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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14,2014 <br /> Page 20 <br /> started right away in setting their priorities and the website applications they want <br /> to review, allowing sufficient time for them to do so based on available monies <br /> and integration of them; with the potential for another RFP after one year if this <br /> site was vendor couldn't meet those needs with an upgraded platform. <br /> Etten moved, McGehee seconded, approval of entering into a contract with Civ- <br /> icPlus for redesigning the City's website; at a cost not to exceed $13,760.00; sub- <br /> ject to City Attorney review. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with the sentiments expressed by Councilmember <br /> Laliberte; reiterating that his intent when arriving at tonight's meeting was to not <br /> approve the recommended action. With the additional components available as <br /> separate add-ons, no matter which vendor is selected, Councilmember Etten <br /> opined that his initial concerns no longer held sway after Mr. Bowman's presen- <br /> tation and clarification of those components following his extensive review; and <br /> allow the process to move forward at this time. Councilmember Etten opined that <br /> this would allow drawing back a team who helped staff with their great expertise <br /> and redevelopment of design elements. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he would vote in opposition to the motion; <br /> not because he necessarily disagreed with Councilmember Etten; but based on his <br /> desire for the CEC to have a thirty-day period to review the direction of the City's <br /> electronic communication efforts and to have a more unified voice available. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte advised that she would also be voting in opposition to <br /> the motion, based on her belief that the CEC is just getting started and should be <br /> able to make comments beyond the design they were hit with tonight. Just as <br /> much as she preferred not to cut off their ability to provide input, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte stated that it was important for the CEC not to get stuck in the weeds, <br /> recognizing that many other things they were charged with in the ordinance. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that it would be easy to get stuck in this issue <br /> and not move on, and if it does move forward tonight, she would prefer some pa- <br /> rameters be established so when it came back, the CEC would return to discuss <br /> other issues as well. <br /> For a number of reasons stated by Councilmember Laliberte in her intent for vot- <br /> ing in opposition, Mayor Roe stated his intent to vote in support of the motion for <br /> those similar reasons. Mayor Roe stated that he didn't want the CEC to spin their <br /> wheels on this process, but to focus on the 30,000 foot items. Mayor Roe echoed <br /> comments that the CivicPlus approach would get the City beyond where it was <br /> currently; and while it may be found further down the road that a change was <br /> needed, if that recommendation ultimately comes, it will then have significant in- <br /> put from the CEC. Mayor Roe stated that he was comfortable moving forward at <br /> this point; and assured CEC members that they would not e shut out of the action <br /> based on their input received tonight. <br />