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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14,2014 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred with the comments of Councilmember Laliberte, <br /> opining that the ordinance highlighted and listed a number of important points and <br /> functions for the CEC, in addressing those collaborations and how open dialogue <br /> could benefit them and in turn benefit the entire community by nurturing existing <br /> groups (e.g. Northeast Youth and Family Services). Councilmember Etten spoke <br /> in support of the CEC addressing Item D of the ordinance in facilitating effective <br /> two-way communication, both of those frequently contacting the City and the re- <br /> mainder and majority of citizens who don't make that contact, but still find out <br /> what's important to them, including the business community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee welcomed Commissioners, and also thanked them*for <br /> being willing to serve; and echoed the comments made by fellow Councilmem- <br /> bers. Councilmember McGehee opined that one thing of great important to her is <br /> her view of this group as a policy group, not an implementation group; but as a <br /> task force to review and recommend strategies to come up with good ideas and <br /> policy discussions, rather than for this group being responsible to do all things <br /> versus pointing out opportunities to engage the community and facilitate volun- <br /> teerism. Beyond that, Councilmember McGehee echoed Councilmember Laliber- <br /> te's comments on the Task Force summary report; opining that she would like this <br /> group to move beyond that document and not be bound by it, but to use it as a ref- <br /> erence point, but not an end in itself, and to move beyond that to other policy is- <br /> sues. <br /> Commissioner Theresa Gardella arrived at this time, approximately 6:47 p.m. <br /> Mayor Roe echoed the comments of individual Councilmembers; and expounded <br /> on his perception of the Task Force summary report for the CEC to become the <br /> stewards of that document and its recommendations, not just to set it aside, but to <br /> review other things beyond or in addition to that report. Mayor Roe opined that <br /> the report provided valid recommendations to focus on as a city government; with <br /> the CEC serving as stewards to make sure everything comes to fruition as rec- <br /> ommendations requiring City Council action for policies or needing allocation of <br /> resources. Specific to Item F on the ordinance, Mayor Roe advised that this item <br /> was based on his input for the future and update of the Imagine Roseville 2025 <br /> community visioning efforts; and while not expecting the CEC to address it in the <br /> first few months, to keep its importance in mind as a product of those 2005 com- <br /> munity efforts and identified aspirations summarized from many ideas put forth. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that those goals could serve for future ways to inform deci- <br /> sion-making and should be at the forefront of any discussions in the community to <br /> ensure they were being lived up to and the community was still in agreement with <br /> those goals, or identifying those needing updating or revision, to reflect those <br /> back into the process. <br /> While not spelled out in the ordinance, Councilmember Laliberte suggested the <br /> need to include looking at the City's senior population; and also for the CEC to <br />