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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
2014 Minutes
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Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />February 19, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />Commissioner Grefenberg moved and Commissioner Courneya seconded a motion authorize the <br />Operations Committee to review and prepare a response, if needed, to the Human Rights <br />Commission Ordinance prior to the March 19, 2014 HRC meeting. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Operations Committee <br />Rosefest Parade Discussion: Vice Chair Becker reported that planning for HRC's involvement in <br />the annual Rosefest the parade continues, along with the Culture Fest. He believed the HRC <br />should take a more active e� and visible role in the parade this year. This could entail a <br />celebration or reception after the parade. Another option would be to include a cultural dance <br />troupe in the HRC's segment of the Rosefest Parade. <br />Chair Groff commented he contacted the Karen community regarding the possibility of cultural <br />dancers; however he has not heard back. <br />Commissioner Grefenberg discussed the parade timeline and suggested a theme for the HRC <br />contingent of welcoming a new culture to Roseville, such as the Karen community. This could <br />be part of the HRC's parade theme. <br />Chair Groff agreed with this recommendation stating it would be difficult to pull off a Culture <br />Fest this year given the limited time available to plan such an event. In response to a comment <br />by Commissioner Grefenberg, Chair Groff said that he believed the Culture Fest this year was no <br />longer feasible. Chair Groff-said he would be in contact with the Karen community to see if <br />members were available to take part in the parade. <br />Ms. Collins commented the Rosefest parade deadline was March 31, 2014. This would allow the <br />HRC to hold one more meeting before finalizing the details for the parade. She noted there <br />would be a$100 fee for the parade. <br />Commissioner Grefenberg suggested the HRC consider purchasing or creating signs that would <br />introduce the HRC and the Karen community throughout the parade. <br />Chair Groff explained that banners were rather expensive, but signs could be made. He stated <br />that if a banner were ordered, it should be generic to allow it to be used year after year. <br />Commissioner Courneya recommended the HRC submit their application for the Rosefest parade <br />and that the details be finalized next month. <br />Commissioner Grefenberg moved and Vice Chair Becker seconded a motion to direct staff to <br />submit the HRC's application for the Rosefest Parade as soon as possible and that a more <br />upgraded level of involvement be considered for this year, also directing the Chair to speak with <br />the Karen community. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Program Planning Committee <br />
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