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Roseville, MN - Official Website <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Ad hoc Subcommittee on Planning Cultural Festival during Rosefest 2014: Chair <br />Grefenberg asked if there was a report from the members planning the Cultural Festival in <br />conjunction with the Roseville Rosefest events at the end of June. There was nothing to <br />report. <br />Chair Grefenberg asked if there were any objections to authorizing the ad hoc subcommittee <br />to submit a preliminary outline of Culture Fest events to the Parks Department without <br />Commission review in December in order to meet the January 1St deadline. There being <br />none, Chair Grefenberg concluded that the ad hoc committee could submit the report without <br />formal HRC review and approval by the January 1St deadline. <br />Other Standing Committee Reports: None. <br />Staff Report <br />Financial Report: Ms. Curti reviewed the financial report in the meeting packet with the <br />Commission. <br />Vice Chair Brisbois questioned why the Commission had spent $580 at the Nelson ?s Cheese & <br />Deli. Chair Grefenberg explained these expenses were to provide food at the two Community <br />Dialogues and the reception for the student essay contest winners. He reported all but $83 <br />was reimbursed to the City by the Bush Foundation or the Minnesota League of Human <br />Rights. <br />Commissioner Thao requested the financial reports reflect that these expenses were <br />reimbursed. <br />Commissioner Becker questioned the balance available to the HRC at this time. Ms. Curti <br />indicated the current balance available to the HRC was approximately $1,700. <br />There was a brief discussion as to whether any of the unexpended funds from calendar year? <br />s 2013 budget would be available for expenditure by the Commission in 2014. Commissioner <br />Thao asked staff liaison Curti to research this question and report back to the Commission. <br />2014 Essay Contest: Ms. Curti explained the Commission received 116 essays from <br />Roseville Area Middle School. Pa review School decided to not participate in the essay contest <br />this year. She reported the essays have been distributed to Vice Chair Brisbois and <br />Commissioner Courneya who had previously volunteer to do the first round of reviews. The <br />essays would be evaluated and then a full commission review would begin in mid - December. <br />The top essays along with the scoring rubric and guidelines would be distributed to all <br />Commissioners in December. Commissioners will have until February 7 to score the essays. <br />The Commission would then review scores and select the top essays at the February 19, <br />2014 commission meeting. <br />Preliminary Assessment of 2014 Foundation Grant Possibilities: Chair Grefenberg <br />postponed further discussion on this issue since Commissioner Singleton, who had raised this <br />issue, was not present. Grefenberg clarified that the previous December deadline was not an <br />application deadline, but an internal deadline for the Bush Foundation to submit information <br />to potential grant applicants, such as the Human Rights Commission. Staff Liaison Curti <br />concurred. <br />New Business: Ms. Curti noted that the 2014 HRC calendar was in the Commission ?s <br />meeting packet. <br />Election of Officers <br />http:// mn- roseville. /Archive.aspx ?ADID =1661 &PREVIEW =YES 5/5/2014 <br />