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�::�,.. C3fficial ?�c�ion. I�� Paablic C3f:�iciai �hall take ar� afficial action �� ���m�� �o <br />���u���e �n��r����s �vhicl� zvill b�a��efi� any persvn or en��y where such �'Tablic <br />�fficial �vould mo� have ati�erw�se �ave taken such �ction but for th� Public <br />t3fficial's family rela�anship, frien�iship, or business relationsh�p with such person <br />or entity. <br />N. ��mpliance vvith Laws. Pubiic Of�icials sh�l comply �viih a1i local ordinanc�s and <br />S±�te �nd Fe�.era� �A�,t�tes in�lu€�ing, b�zt not Iia�utet3 to, �he C�-�mi�a� ��d�, Fair <br />�ampaign �rac�ices r�ct, ar�.ci laws governing t�ae func�ionir�g ci munici��lities, <br />their �l�cted an� a�a�oi�ted affi�;ials, �.nd �rnplayees. <br />�. �o€��eration �ith �thic� Cc�a�mittee �vesu ag t�orgs. �.�b�ic Officaals shall <br />c�s���i�.ie wi�h e�khic� inv�stig��ic�ns and sh�l re�po�d i� goo�$. fai�i to rea�onable <br />xe�uest� ioT i�zforma�ion. <br />P. I�eso�u�ion c�iE�hics �fln�p��.ints. 'I'h� ��Yiics �omm�ssion, �i�y A�torn�y, or� �i�y <br />i`v�'a�a��r, a� #�ae ��.�e may Y,e, �ha11 prs,rnp�l� ai��n:d � a1i ethzcs cvm�laan.'�s in the <br />ma�ner provic�ecl i� this �ade. It a5 e�pe�ted that �ra�s� co�npla�ts �rill �i� <br />in�es4ia��ed a,s r�eces�a` y ar�d pre�ented i� t�ae �i�� �oun�il fs�r co�sidera,ti�n <br />��thir� ��5 d,3.�� of s�Y,�i�s��r± of �.h� c�m�lai��. <br />5�����ra 4,����� ��aa�s���:���c�o�,� <br />Situat���.� �a� �s� wl�er� d�e�ber of �. co�nissi+�n, a. l���r�i, �r th� �i�ty �ouncil <br />�k�st�.i� frt�m voti�g �Se�ausv a1' a ce�afli�t o:� in��rest, '��.��i his t�r her �.�stie�tia� b�acm�es � <br />vs�te eit�er �or �sr agair�.s�: ihe ��r ���a�se a m,�jori� are r�q�:�•e� to �ass �r rejeci tiaat <br />rt�a�ter. This can ha��p�a� wh� e four-F.�� vgi� is i�e�ded io �pa�s � iss�a�, or �5.�, vot� iias <br />ts� b� � e�ear ma��rity a��l � splii �o�e cl��s x�flt pa�s €�r r�j�ct. <br />t�Vh�a thi� ha.pper�, the �'ity Attarn�y must be ct����lt�d and tn,, �'inal voie shc�ul�i �arr�r a <br />�ui�lic �.atice �xpiair�ix�.g wh�� ��€�k j��ace, �rrc� h�o�v it �vas :�s�1Ne�. <br />��cii�n 5. �andlin� Alle�ed �ioiati�r�� c�f C�de of �t�a��s <br />��. �omplain.t� �ll�ging e��al �s:plai��ns �iy Pu�].ic �3ffcia3s mu�� be su�in�i�ed i� <br />writt�nn form to the City �.�orn�y. Cc���la.ints alleginb et�hL�cai vi�l�.�ians b� �:it� <br />e�n�lt�yee ��t�blic t3f�icials siiail b� suY�nm�tt�d i� wriiten �arm to the �ity Iuianage•. <br />F�. Z'h� �i�y �.t�c�rn�y �h�..11 '��.aves�igat� �.11 e�khi�c� corr��la:ints���ng tcr noz��- <br />��n�loy�� �u�lic iJf�cials �.�nless *.�� �City t��t�rney has a cc�l�ict, in wh'rch ease <br />o�tsic�e c�uns�l wil� b� assigned the ��;��n�laint. Th� �i�y I��a�e� wi11 �v�sfigaie <br />cc�r�p�ai��:� �w�ta.i�i�1� to e�i�l�yee Pu1�1ic dl�cjals. <br />G <br />