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�. �f �he City A.ttorney_or Ciiy Manag�� determir�es that the subje�t of the camplaint <br />�nay have c���°lmi�ited a crime, �he �,:ity Att.�rney �nd Ci9:� �Ta�ager shail re��r fihe <br />matt�r to the �.ppropriate crimi�al aut�o�ity. <br />I:�. If the criminal �roce�ding ergds wiY.� a sentenci�g, said senteneing sha11 be <br />c��sidere�l t+� be the final dispc�sititrn of th� co�nplaint. <br />E. If �here has b��n na via�ation af a cri�n.i�al l�w, the City A��rney flr City <br />t�a�ag�r, as the ca�� rnay be, skaall issue a re�ort th�.i sic�cumen�ts rhe resu�ts of th� <br />City A,ttarn.ey's a� �i�j i�ianag��'s irav�stig��ion(s}. <br />'. T�.e r�port ,hall be sent dir�ctiy ��s �hh� �City C�uncil if �khe c�mplaamt <br />i�v�l��s ���t.iic� �o��si�n membPr. Th� Cau��ii sha11 ha.v� #he <br />authc�ri�iy t� disnliss aa�y Ethi�s �flmr�i�sion me�ber fo-c�nc.l t� have vi+oiated <br />ihe Ethics �o�e. <br />�.. Th� r�pert �Y��li �e sent �r fi.�e Etiiics �or�naissi�n if tY3e �am�laint involve.s <br />otiie� P�a�lic t3ffic�a�s. T�e ��hics �mmm�.ssion sla.all have �he aut.�ority to <br />con�er�e anc� issu� it's a�� rep�rt ar�d recomrr���datiQ�a to the �ity �Go�ar��i1. <br />The�ea:��r, the Cifiy �t�t►.nci� 5�1I take ac�ic�z� as �fi� ��iancii �e�ms <br />��r�a�riaie. <br />1� '�he s�and�'d fQr dec�sio� �eg�rc�:g alleg�,9�or�s of ethi�al vi�lai�ons �cv�ed by <br />�ec�i� 3 o�i��i� ��de s�all be "�lv�.r �rid ��n���.cirg evic3ence." Tia� t�rm "clear <br />�� convin�ing �vi�k�t��e" sh�il r�ean th�t burd�n of proaf �s defu��d by <br />lvi�e�o� �t�.�t� ��vv. <br />�. �� �roc��sin� c�,�t���ir�ts, th�e �it� �t�c����y, Cifi� ��.na�e.r, �i��c� �`�ir,r�is��fl� <br />�xd �ity �ozrnc� sh�1i process �d anaint�r�. da�� � a m��r ���sis�e�z� v✓ith <br />i��n. Sta�. �h. 13, �� IV�i..�nes�ta, �3at� Fr�c�ces �c�. <br />S��t�+�� b_ T��os���� ���i����i�� Tr������t�s <br />�,TQ� ia��r t��nn �i��ty �g0} clag�s �fi��a� i�.� 4�.�t� of appr�val �� t�is �ot��, e�r�� ��al�lic <br />���fici�,i s�f the C��ty si��.1'1 �i�e � a pu�lic rscc�r�, in �th� �f��e ���h� �i�,� li�anager, a, <br />si�tem��.�t c�n�:.�.i�ing the �Foxl�,�;ng: <br />�. t� 1'ss� ��� h�si�°�s ���csr�ri��5 kn.o�vn t�� �.�e Pub1�� Lif�icial �o b� <br />li�e�s�d by or #;o be d��n� busin�s� vai�-h �Yi� +�a�y � which t1h� �'ublic <br />��fci� �� �.ny rn�r��lt�er of the A1.zbli� C3f�ica�1's irnamec���e fa�a��ly is <br />�c�aa��te�i as an e�.��o���, o�ficer, owner, investo�y cr��ifior of, dire��or, <br />ir�ts�e�, partn�r9 �d�i�or, vr es�ns�ltani; a�d <br />2. �. list af ihe !'�.��I�c Officaal� a:��. mexribers of �.h� P�tblic Q��c,i�ls' <br />imtnediate f�ily's interes�s im real property l�ca�ed in tki� �aty Qr which <br />may �e c�3np�ting vviih fi�e intec�si� c�� tile City Iacaled �ls��here, o�her <br />t�?an �roperky ��cupied �s a ��rso�al r�sid��ce. <br />7 <br />