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2014_0514_Ethics Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Ethics Commission
2014_0514_Ethics Packet
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5/9/2014 11:11:47 AM
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�ach p�rrson Wh� enters u�vn duty af�er the date of fhis code in a� affice ar pasitian as��o <br />��uc}� a stat�ment i� requared i�� this �od�e �hall file such a�tateinent an fdrm� to b� <br />provid.ed by the �ity nat l�ss thari iYiirty (30) days after �k�e ciate of 'tus/her entrance or1 <br />dufiy. <br />�ach person �vho made an ir►itial fi�ing shall f le a new Statement by January 3G �f e��h <br />year thereafter giving the information called �'or ab�ve as o�`�.he tim� af the nev� <br />��:atement. If a change in fina�cial interesfi or property owners�ip acc�s bet��een filings, <br />a ne�r �iling s�a�l be mad�e vvi�thin thirty (34) d��s �of the chaing�. <br />ihe interest oi a�ry mernY�er of ti7� i�nzreztia�e fami�y sha11 �e cansi�i�red to be a� inter�st <br />o�Fa �r�rso� re�ui�red t� fi�e a 5i�t�rme�t b� �r p�isuant to this Code. <br />�l�i.� �'od� shali �ot b� ��ns�u�d te r��uuire r�e fi�ing �i any ;��.fer�ation r�1a�n.g t� �.ny <br />�:�e�-so�'s cannect��o� with :�r �t�esi in any profe�si�nal goc;iety or any charitable, <br />religa���, sQ�ia1, frat�l, �ducational, recr�ea�onal, public se�ri��, ci�vil, or �ao�i-�c�I <br />c��ga.�i��tio�, ar �y sirnilar s�����aizaaon �ot co�duc�ed �� a busi�ess ent�rp�i�P �.nd <br />w�ich is r�ot �gag�d iu i�e �vvn�rship or car�tlucfi o��. busi.x��ss entergrise. <br />%�vw�ver, i� �ny �f :���h org�i���io*�s seeking �;� �.c�.ion vr l:�e�i c�me b�fore a <br />F��s��i11e ����.i�sion �r �h� +�oun�ilry ��en sn���er��p in the o��gaa�iz�#ion shall be a <br />p�t�ntial �onflici c�f interest ar�d m��i b� r�ported a� su�h �.o �� Cit� Ivgasiag�r by th� <br />P11�I1� ���1Ci� Lil ci.11 a.YiZ��C��� �SC!(iSi�yi� s��a.��ment. 'i'h� ��.hea� stip�l�3�n�s ��#his Code <br />�hen a�piy. <br />'�'�re Ci�t;� I�an�ge�• shai� in��rm eacl� ��i��n vrho is r�quu.ired ta file oi �e time ancl place <br />s�r fili��. 'I"�� ��.iy �Ta.�ag: rr sha1l ��mrm �� �ou��i1 v�heneve� � �e�so�i �v1�a i� re��red <br />to file � st�;���nent fail� to dc st�. <br />'�'r�e m��iat� ���• �� �,�.��ti�i� �f fih� fo��ps�iu�g res�lai�on t��s �iul� se�s�a�d�d �y <br />����:icil Ivl��r.ab�� I�!1��yhae a�d u�ar� v�+�e 3�e�.g iak�� t������n, �.e f�I���:�+.g ��te� in <br />favo�: �,�liberi�; i'�ic��;h��;y �IillYn�as; Eii��; �.r�.d F��� <br />a�d �e f�lia�ring v�t�� a�;aii�ir: nc�ne. <br />�JVT3EREUr'�OfiI s�id r�solu'�on tivas ��clared �Lly �a�sed a�d �.s�opted. <br />0 <br />
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