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<br />Calibre Ridge Partnership, Case No. 2355 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The concept for the site was greeted well, but when translated into <br />a more detailed site plan, several critical dimensions for parking, <br />setbacks, and distances between buildings proved to be inadequate, <br />as well as the way that open space, play areas, pedestrian <br />circulation, and landscaping were handled. Many of you may have <br />followed the progress of these discussions in our weekly memos to <br />the city Manager. We have approached the project from the point of <br />view that is basic to a PUD: exploiting the flexibility inherent in <br />the PUD process to arrive at a project that benefits the city, the <br />neighbors, and the natural features more than could be obtained by <br />a traditional zoning approach. <br /> <br />Once it was understood that the concept which was presented to the <br />Planning Commission in August had some fatal flaws in getting it to <br />work on the site - the number of units of the exact design proposed <br />simply could not fit reasonably on the site - Duffy once again took <br />a hard look at the project and made some important changes to keep <br />the project moving. He teamed up with another residential developer <br />more experienced in family housing, TWin cities Housing Development <br />corporation, and also took on a fresh team of architects, criteria <br />archi tectural studio and KKE Architects. It is the result of this <br />new collaboration that is before the Commission tonight in the form <br />of a request for approval General Plan of Development stage PUD <br />(Concept Approval). Plans and drawings of the project, as well as <br />background information on the development team are included in the <br />enclosed gray booklet. <br /> <br />The current concept is similar to the previous sketch concept in <br />many ways, but greatly improved in many other ways. The overall <br />site plan still has 58 units, but in seven buildings, not eight. <br />The project is still townhouse units, but they all have a front <br />door and a back yard, instead of being placed back-to-back with <br />garages on both sides of the buildings. The site now has three <br />separate play areas for children of all ages, spaced more or less <br />evenly across the site, instead of one central open area. There is <br />a trail system through the site, connecting all areas of the <br />project to a sidewalk leading to Minnesota Avenue, the main access <br />to the site, that allows children to walk or bike on their way to <br />school or the park without going on the main private roadway. The <br />parking areas have been redesigned to be more efficient, leaving <br />more green yard space visible and useable for each unit. The <br />structures themsel ves have been redesigned to be interesting and <br />adaptable to the grade of the site, as well as to be economical. <br /> <br />Overall, the changes that have been made are the result of a <br />concerted effort on the part of the development team and City staff <br />to make the project more livable, a better place for future <br />families to make their homes. <br />