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<br />calibre Ridge partnership, Case No. 2355 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Liqhtinq <br /> <br />Exterior lighting for the project is shown on the plans and is <br />provided along the main private drive, along the trail corridor, at <br />each of the three play areas, and in each parking area. Lighting <br />will be adequate, and due to the slope of the site, and the <br />existing and proposed landscaping, there will not be a problem with <br />glare to the neighbors. <br /> <br />Siqninq <br /> <br />There will be two identical signs for the project, one on Minnesota <br />Avenue, the other almost 200' into the site off of Rice street. <br />Only the Minnesota Avenue sign will be readily visible from the <br />public street. It will be a 4' x 12' ground sign constructed of <br />rock-face block, placed at the required 15' setback. <br /> <br />Screening <br /> <br />Because the project has little public street frontage, screening to <br />public streets is not generally an issue for Calibre Ridge. There <br />is one two-unit building on Minnesota Avenue, and this structure <br />will be of the same scale and setback as the existing homes along <br />Minnesota, but it will be screened with several spruce trees in its <br />front yard. <br /> <br />Screening of the project is an issue, however, in relation to the <br />existing neighbors to the north and west. The neighbors to the <br />north all have deep back yards with considerable existing tree <br />growth, which solves much of the screening problem. These homes <br />also sit much higher than the Calibre Ridge property (see Sheet A2 <br />- sections CC and DD), and the new townhouses may not be visible at <br />all from most of the homes. Where there were gaps in the existing <br />tree cover along this common back lot line, we have asked the <br />developer to put in additional ornamental trees (see Landscape <br />Plan). <br /> <br />Compared to the previously approved development for the site, this <br />project will be well screened, largely because it consists of <br />two-story family townhouse units, instead of a three-story <br />apartment building. And where the buildings might be seen, they <br />will be lower and smaller, more in keeping with the single family <br />character of the area than the larger apartment building. <br /> <br />Trash Handlinq <br /> <br />Trash collection will be from the <br />setting out their trash once each <br />most single family neighborhoods. <br />enclosure. <br /> <br />individual units, with residents <br />week for pick-up, as is done in <br />There will be no common trash <br />