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<br />Calibre Ridge partnership, Case No. 2355 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Enqineerinq Considerations <br /> <br />Most engineering issues have been addressed adequately, but there <br />remain a few questions to be worked out in more detail. <br /> <br />An existing sanitary sewer pipe runs east to west through the <br />property in an existing 35'-wide utility easement. The main <br />private drive for the project will be built over this easement, <br />with as much as 13' of additional fill over it in places. At the <br />time this report was written, Mr. Duffy had still not provided the <br />necessary information to the engineering staff to determine: <br /> <br />a) that the existing pipe is strong enough to withstand this <br />additional overburden. If so, then we must also determine <br />the width of additional easement required, if any, to allow <br />for a safe trench to be dug to service the pipe, and if this <br />additional width will conflict with buildings or landscaping <br />as proposed on the Calibre Ridge site plan; or <br /> <br />b) that it is feasible from an engineering <br />standpoint to raise the pipe in this area, <br />eliminating the need for a wider easement. <br /> <br />and cost <br />thereby <br /> <br />This issue is not one that will make or break the project, but it <br />could affect a few details along the sewer easement. We expect to <br />have a resolution by the time of the Planning Commission meeting. <br /> <br />Related to this, the applicants will need to process a request to <br />abandon the existing utility easements in favor of the new <br />easements that are being dedicated, not only along the main <br />east-west easement, but for the north-south lines as well, which <br />are delineated on the attached Preliminary Plat, Sheet C-1. This <br />action can be formally taken at the time the final plat is <br />approved. <br /> <br />The plan assumes storm drainage will flow onto the Highway 36 <br />right-of-way at the southwestern corner of the si te. This is <br />acceptable to the engineering staff, but the applicant will need to <br />obtain a drainage permit from MnDOT. Duffy has had discussions <br />with MnDOT staff about this, and they have given their preliminary <br />okay, but a formal permit has not yet been granted. <br /> <br />It is City policy to require sidewalks in new developments, but <br />considering the short segments of Minnesota Avenue and Rice Street <br />that are included in the project, we believe it would be better to <br />accept cash in lieu of a constructed sidewalk, until such time as <br />the City might undertake an overall Minnesota Avenue or Rice Street <br />sidewalk project. <br />