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<br />JU~'Hj'3-1 '3'32 11 : 32 FROM R. C. PUBLI C HEALTH <br /> <br />TO <br /> <br />4902270 <br /> <br />P.D7 <br /> <br />EM!RGENCY RESPONSE QUIDELI~ES <br /> <br />This section of the 9uidelinès has been ðe~elopéd to address six basic <br />Q~ergencies ~ith the grèate&t potential of ~cc~rring at DYNEX sub Sité 1. <br />In the event that any of these emergencies ,ccur contact a DYNEX êmergency <br />coordinator (in the number thêY are listêd) for assistance. <br />The emergêncies that will be ~overQd in thi~ section inolude: <br /> <br />1. Fire <br />2. Medical <br />3. Toxic Vapor Release <br />4. Chemioal spills <br />s. Explosion threat <br />E. Severe Weather <br /> <br />1. ~IRE lMERGENCIES: <br /> <br />If fA fire should occur å\.t:ring your work shLft the following steps will <br />hel.p you deal with the e~ergency quicklY and efficiently. <br /> <br />A. If a fi:re is discovered or reported, ale::t all personnel in the vioinity <br />of the fire. <br />S. Notify the local fire d.epartment by calling ( 911 ). pull the local <br />wall fire alarm if ones available. <br />c. If the fire is s,Ulall USQ a fire êxtinquiHher to put the firê out, <br />Only if you are. a.ble to due 90 with ou.t: undangerinq yourself. <br />D. If you elect not to use the fire. extinqu;,sher or if you have dischargQd <br />one already and the firè is not totally ()ut, evaoubte via thê nearest <br />exit immeàiatèly. <br />E. I>O NOT let a.nyone baCK into the fire arell until the "all clear" haS <br />been given by the local authorities. <br /> <br />2. MEDICAL EMERGENCI~s: <br /> <br />A. If è.h injury and it. is severa eno\J9h thê,t you feel the ne.ed. fQr outside <br />help I this should be considered a rnecHcç,l Q1herg'sncy, (i. tat. shock I severe <br />bleading, unconsciousness, apparent heal't problems, seiZUrê$, trouble <br />. breathing r severe burns( heat ~xhaus.tiO!, etc.) !mmedi~tely call 911- <br />B. Using the first ai4 or burn kit, qive wtatever assistance you can and <br />KEEP THE; VICTIM CALM !!! <br />C. Maintain órowd controL <br />D. Allow arrivinq émergenoy personnal to take over thê scene. <br /> <br />3. TOXIC VAPOR RELEASE: <br /> <br />A. The Site Supèrvisor must determine it there is an actual release of <br />toxic vapors. All personnel will be instructed to evacuate the are~. <br />B. Put on your respirator during the evacuation. <br />C. Keap all personnel out of the are.a and me~t arriving erner9è~cy <br />vehicles. <br />D. Do not enter the area until the "ALL CLEÄR" is given by looal <br />authorities. <br />