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<br />JUN-09-1992 11: 33 FROM R. C. PUBLI CHEAL TH <br />4. CHEMICAL SÞ!LL: <br /> <br />Tel <br /> <br />4'302270 <br /> <br />P.08 <br /> <br />A. If a chemical is spilled, determine what the chemical is. If it can be <br />safely cleaned up, do so immediately. <br />B. Xf the rnateri~l is a liquid, it must be contained first. This can be <br />dOhe with an inert material such as clay. DO NOT USE ORGANIC MATERIALS <br />SUCH AS SÄWDUST TO ABSORB CORROSIVES OR OXIDIZERS. <br />C. If thêre is a potential airborne, fite Jr other immedi~te hazard¡ <br />evatuate all hon-essential þersonnel. R~maininq personnel must wear the <br />appropriate level of protective cloth in; and must be properly trained <br />to use the protèotive clothin9 or they "nust leave the contamihated area <br />IT IS THE SITE SUPERVISORS R~SPONSIBILIrY TO !NSURE THAT THESE RULES <br />ARE FOLLOWED. <br />D. Oncè the spilled material is contained, it should be abso~bed. Xf <br />necessary, it should thén be ne\1tralize,L <br />E. PicK up spilled material/absorbants and place them in proper oontainers <br />F. If at any time, the spilled mater ial pr'~sents an IMMEDIATE DANGER to <br />life or health the area must be fully eV.lcuate<:1t see evacuation sheet. <br /> <br />5. EXPLOSION THREAT: <br /> <br />A. In the êvent that a materia.l would ):)e b~70Ught into the receiving area <br />that has characteri$tics of being eithe)~? very ohemically unstable or <br />a la.rge explosive. (i.e. dynamite) the roceiving area personnel should <br />due thQ following. <br />B. If thè explosive or chemical material 10 "STABLE" however still poses a <br />sèrious threat, that :material maY'be moved by ONE trained parson only <br />preferably the supervisor or most hi9hl~r trained persori there after. <br />c. If tha explosive or chemioal material iH "UN-STABLE" a.nd poses a threat <br />to lite or health, DO NOT MOVE IT ! I!! Tell the participant to turn <br />off there vehiolê and escort them the location of evacuation. <br />IF THE MATERIAL IS IN THE TRUNK »0 NOT CLOSE THE TRUNK IT MAY CAUSE <br />AN EXPLOSION !!! 1 <br />D. In either. scenario call 911 and the st.l'aul Bomb Squad irnmeàiatêly for <br />·further guidance on dealing with the pa1·ticular situation, and activate <br />the app~Qpriate evacuation. In the case that the situ~tion is very <br />uhstable call 911 and tell the 911 disp~tçher that the Bomb Squad <br />ha5 be notified and is responding ãS soen a~ possible. <br />E. Do net allow anyone back into the collêction/parkinq ð,rea until thè <br />BALL CLEM" has been given. <br />