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<br />¡','In/DOT LIBRARY <br /> <br />TEL No.612-297-2354 <br /> <br />Nov 15,91 14:44 No.OOl P.05 <br /> <br />I.I~IVI JOKMA~Y <br /> <br />ø'It~ric.l "OkQrou~t <br /> <br />.Itionel ,tand.rd, and ,.4.ral-ltl'. <br />.'r....nt. providin, for control of <br />out400r 1',.r't,In9 prohibit d'.plIY <br />of o~rola1 ,ifft. that Ult fl..hin9, <br />int.t.'".nt Of lovin9 1!9ht., or thl' <br />hlV. Int..t" or IOvin9 partl. In 1'" <br />th. Contr... ...nd.d the BI9hwIV l'luti- <br />fLo.tlon Ao~ to provide th., It .001d <br />not be conlld.re4 . br.aoh Of luoh <br />.9r....nt. to "9n. to <br />Intor..tton vbløb I. -Ohant'd It r...on- <br />Ibl. by_el.otron 0 proo... or <br />r.~t. oontrol and vhloh provIde publio <br />..rvlc. 'nfore.tlon or .dv.rtl.. aotlyl- <br />tl,. øonduottð on the property on which <br />th.y .r. 10c.ttð.· <br /> <br />Thl. r.,..rcb r.port, pr.parlð by the <br />r'ð.r.l .'9h~ay A4.Lnl.tratLont, (tUNA) <br />Offlc. of .....roh, la int.ndtd to <br />provid' b.ek,rounð infor..tlon for <br />the d.v.lo~nt of .t.ndlrd. for the <br />u.. of on-pr..t., co...telal eleatronlo <br />v.I1.ble......9. .1vnl (CIVKlJ d1.- <br />pl.yln1 .uch publLc I.rvlo. 1ntol..tion <br />.nð .d1.rtl.1nt .....V.. alon9 tnt.r- <br />.t.t. 8y.t.. h 9h~.y.. The r.port il <br /> on . oriticll "vi.w of reported <br />r....roh, oper.tionAI '.Pitl.nct, and <br />levill.t1ve hlltory r.l.tln9 to CIVM8 <br />.nd to outdoor Idv.rta.lnv 9,n.r.l1y. <br /> <br />Th. 'hahnol04X <br /> <br />curr.ntly IYlillbl. t.o~noló9Y Ind <br /> .,dl. th. eltatrla .Itn <br />..nuf.aturl~9 1nðultry to oft.r . vid. <br />v.rl.ty of CIVMJ to adv,,. fbi. <br />ttuðr h.t contLd.reð lour bello type. <br />01 . tnl whioh the li,nln9 Indultry h,1 <br />Indlolt.d bllt,.nt current CI~ <br />ttohnolotr. Th,.. are. (1) .It.rn.tln~ <br />tl..-Inð-t..per.tur., Oft.n <br />incorporated InLo othtrvl.. 't.tlo on- <br />pre.". ,19~" (2) ·.ultlpl, .....9. <br />cent.r- .19na, e,p'bl' or Jl'r1Irln9, <br />on a 11ntl. 119n a.blnet, . wid. vlrilty <br />of ".1'9" In vord., divita, ur <br />Iyaboll, .lth.r In . pr.d.tlr.ined <br />r,petitlve .., or vi. Ilal-tl.. <br />Qontrol, () aut~ttd r..d.r bo.rd- <br />11Vn., In vhlcb .....9.' on cont1nuou. <br />tlpel Ir. Ihown on diapl.y panel I .nd <br />..y be oontrol1.d to eb.n,. <br />the Itrl.' .nð oolorl 01 . .....9.' and <br />product . r.~at.d I.rl.. or con.t.ntly <br />ch.ft9lftt .....9..' .nd (4) the .o~.11.d <br />·UNIX- 119nl. ðeveloped by on. aanufac- <br />tùc.r, ¥blch ac. ot producl", a <br />yirtuatly unll.'ttð rlft9' of 9r.phla <br />or .lpb.-nuatr1c .".1'1' on . ,r14 of <br />optle.l .butter. which ar. Il.ctron· <br />Ic.lly &ad/o, react.1y aontrol1ld. The <br />e19" type. conlld.c.ð in tbl. .tù~y ~1 <br />be u.eð fot .4v.rti.lnt <br /> <br />...... <br />" <br /> <br />.itber by btlnv aountt4 on ~alll ot <br />root'op., or II fr..-.tanðinv .truotur.. <br />on .1n91. or .ul\ipl. oabin.t .upport.. <br />Th." .i9n. o.n 41.pllY a vlrlfty of <br />oolor., Oh.r.ot.r ,L'.. .nd .ty1.., .nd <br />.an, other oh.r.otet..tio. of 9flph10 <br />ðllpl.V ..dL. ,uoh II oontr..t .nd <br />Ihaaint, bu~ the four ..ntion.d ,bOY' <br />Ir. tho.. vhlab thl Indultry ..,.. to <br />CI.l bI.t C'YMI t,ohnolOiY· <br /> <br />The 1'" ,..nð.tnt, \0 the H1,hway <br />I.autifloltlon AGt provide In opportuni- <br />ty for thl .1.atrLa .t,n lnðu.try to <br />lnot.... tht u.. or CIVH' alon, the <br />Int.r.,.t. 'Yltt.. Thl. report 41.· <br />ou.... t~. pOt.ntL.l 'eplto.tion. of <br />,uoh ino....14 u.. in the aont..t of <br />the tbr.~ ar.a. of ~b110 lnter..t th.t <br />ConVt'" .OU9ht to prot.ot ~hro~9h the <br />Hi9hwlY I~.utlrio.tton ~ot, <br />e 1) prC*'Uon or hL9hw.y ..tit)', <br />(a, pc..~ry.tLon and of <br />"_tur.l t..uty alon9 hI9hw,V" .nð <br />(1) prott,oUoII of h19hny invut.lHnt. <br /> <br />ØLghw.~ e~ltt~ ÇQn.lðer.tion. <br /> <br />Th. of r.port.d r....roh on <br />h19hway ..r.ty oon.lderationl ptrtainin9 <br />to rOAdetat .ð~.rti.in9 d..on.tflt... <br />that .tuðlt. b..ed on aooldtnt tnvllti· <br />9Itlo~. 9.nlr.l1y hlð 11.1t..4 v.lut <br />btea~.' of. (1) 110. or .p.olrl~ 4.t. <br />r.l.tln9 .ccið.nt looation. tQ røað.lð. <br />r.aturtl Inð trafftc o~.r.tton.l .1tu- <br />.tionl, or (,) ...pltnc cr Itatittle-! <br />deflcl.not... In .ddLtlon, .tudll' <br />r.lylft9 on\y or .a1nly on aocld.nt data <br />ort.n do not r,fleot '~Qh ocourrtnc.. ., <br />-ntar .1....· ot traffLo t.ptð.not. that <br />ar. r'OO9nl.,d .. r,l,vant to <br />'Iftty, and whloh .'Y or ..y not ~ <br /> to tht, of ro.ð.ldt <br />.ðvtrtl.ln9. Whll. .0.' aooid.nt <br />.tudi.. have r.port,d a po,LtSvt ,.1,- <br />tlonthlp betw..n .acLd.nt., h19h drlvln9 <br />t"k '...nd., and the ot <br /> adv.rtL.Lft" other .tuðt.. have <br />r,.oht4 eonolulion.. Â1though <br />a trend In recent fLndln9' hll bt,un to <br />point to a d.~n.ttlbl1 r.lation.hip <br />betwttn CIYKI and _COldent" the .vatl· <br />.blt r...ln. .tlti'tlc.lly <br />Inluff101.nt tQ loitntLflcll1y ,~pport <br />thil r.l.tLon.hip. <br /> <br /> '.qtor. Con,ld.rltlon! <br /> <br />I~n f.ctore r....tch t,Qhnlqij.' Cor <br />....ur1nt .nd, drlv.r bth.vlor <br />In ..ry!", tr.ffio Ind .nviron..ntal <br />.it~.tton' are c.p.b1e of providing ~(. <br />prlot.., rlliable, and d.t. .bo~t <br />the pot.ntial .tf.ot. of roað.~d. .dv.r- <br /> "gn. on ..r.ty. for <br />u.lnt botb fl.1d In...tlgation. Ind <br />,L.ulltlon technlqu.. to ....ur. ey. <br />aov...nt anð <br /> <br />1 <br />