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<br />1'''ln/DOT LIBRARY <br /> <br />TEL No.612-297-2354 <br /> <br />.arlabl'" drl..r r..pon... to ..l.ot.d <br />.'I.ut' ~uob al CIV", oln ~ <br /> to lnforaatlon proe...lnt <br />e_peeht Ind drtver U.k d.unch. Th. <br />¡It.ratur.,d froe r.1at.d fi.ld. <br />¡n4ioat,. ~." und.r f., drtvtn; <br />ooftðataon'J,tl'fae,, ro.d, .nd <br />,.biol.oo Ition, .te.), th.r. t. <br />11_.1t to be littl. Idv.r.t i.plot on <br />ptr'oraanc. due to the 01 road· <br />lid. "vlrtlllnt .19n. .ino. the driv,r <br />r.,.lne .uttiei.nt .par. prOO'~'lnt <br />clpaoltr to .".nd to lucb .19n. v \ho~t <br />OotIprMI.lnt bh ptdorMnoe on U. <br />pfl..r, C..bioular oontrol, 'a.k. Und.r <br />v.rr low d'alnd eonditlon. (· <br />1, 19bt traffio, unitOfa plv...nt and <br />9*Oaetcto d..l,n, 9c.a' <br />bet...n dloi.ion potnt.{ .to.), the <br />pr, 01 unu,u'l .nv rOAaent.l <br />f.atur.., Cpo..lbly Ineludlnv tOld.ld. <br />.19nl), .., ..rv. to .tl.ul.~. the <br />~tori.t .. b, drlvl" HOvlvlr, al the <br />d...nd, of tb. drivanv tl.k inol...., <br />ro.dlld, Idv,rtl.lny .~.t coapet. ~Ith <br />~rl wlt.1 infora.t on louro.. (,uGh I' <br />ottlcl.l .Itnint, d'lin..tion, oth.r <br />trattl0, ..ath't, rOld, .nd v.hicl. <br />condltion.) for tbt drlv.r', attlntlon.l <br />o.,.oity. .1nol thlt o.p.olty i. <br />fLnit., a CIVM8 vith hi~h Ittentlon- <br />9.ttlnv propertS.. (Ind thi. S. . <br />prl..ry orit.rion a,.ln.t vhloh . <br />,uoc...ru1 CIY", t. 'u49.ð by lðYlr· <br />tl..r.) alY dt.tract the drlv.r tro. hi. <br />prt..fY "1. ¡Oft! enouth for hSa to <br />..~. In .rror vh ob oould le.d to In <br />aoold.nt. <br /> <br />Th, .ftOfaoU' f...ibl1ity ot dtlPJlr <br />pøl..,.td by CIVN' ...1' it . <br />to u.. tb.. in VIY' thlt oln IttClot <br />drlw.,,' Itt.ntlon at 9f..t.r dl"lno.., <br />bold their att.ntlon 10n,lr, and dlliv.r <br />a vldlr vari,ty of lftfor.ltlon and i.a,. <br />.tiauli than i. po..lbl, b{ the u.. of <br />oonv,ntion.l .d,.cti.ln9 . 9n.. a.plolt· <br />ataon of tbi. pottnti.l by .dv.rti..t. <br />"I.&ft9 to r.,cb In ot h&9hvlY <br /> Inor..... thl ri.k 01 oVlrloldint <br />driv.r.' o,p,ol'i.. to prOOI" Inforaa- <br />,ton, and, oon.equ.ntly, the li_.lihood <br />of driv.r trror und.r ro.d .nd tt.ttto <br />COnditien. In vbtob drlv.r. ~y Ilr,.dy <br />be b'lvil, .tr.....s. Althou9b the <br />~tUtl ot th... rllk. b.. been <br />rlOO9nlald in thl r....tcb 1It.ratur., <br />furth.r ,tuðt 1. oeld.d to qu.ntify anð <br />c.tllor h, 1t. <br /> <br />~ltb.tl0 Con.ld.r.tlon. <br /> <br />..r.b wi.u.l oontr..t vltb tb. .abi.nt <br />,n'lroA81nt I. ,.nerllly oon.tð.red to <br />be ant,.thttio, .. 11 . d.n.. olult.rln9 <br />of .i~ß' Ind .ttft .tr~ctur... Th. <br />,.I.t.nee of tbt'l cOndition. in ..ny <br />00...t01.1 It... b.. 1.d to criticl.a <br />of oA-pt..I.1 'l,nlft9 practice. In the <br /> <br />Nov 15.91 14:44 No.OOl P.OS <br /> <br />palt. Mlnufaotur.r. of CIVMS olal. that <br /> 119n. ar. d.119ntd anð con.truottð <br />to 1101d oh.rlot.ti.tlo. th.t .r. <br />Illy 1"OOilt.d with d.t.rior.tion of <br />the vilual quality of rOld.ld.f, .nd <br />thlt th..1 '19n. hlv, the ,ðð.d oapa- <br />bllity of r.4uolnt the n.,d to, the <br />I.p.ra'. OonY'ntio"~l li9n' Or .ultiple <br />bu.&na.... .lnol CIVNI oln ðl.pllr thtir <br />....,.. In r.pta\.d .,rl" Oft I .ln91. <br />119n. to ~.t., ho~.v.r, th.., ol.i.eð <br />blBtflt. hlv, not bI.n ..pirlo.l1y <br />t..t14. the oapability of CIVHI for <br />oo...nd1nt .nd hold&nt .tt.ntton <br />th.. to do.lna" .ufroundln9" .nd <br />Inyo1Y.. th. rilk of inoo.patlblllty <br />vlth the nltur.l or a.n-ald. .nviron..nt <br />In vbloh th.y r.lid.. It Ihould be <br />nottð that tht '.l.ctrLo.l .peot.oular' <br />dllplay. aOlt ofttn 1..oollttd vlth <br />Tl." 1q~lr. or La. Y'9." and aor. <br />r.o.ntly ~lth .ajor-lt.9Ut .port. <br />.taðiua., .r., In r.ot, tl.otronl0 <br />Ylrl.ble .....9. "9n,. Without the <br />proPtr oontrol. thlr. 1e llttl. r"lon <br />to blliev. th.t '&9n. ,uoh a. th... <br />will ~ kept ,vlY fro. thl h19hvlY <br />rhht--ot..v.y. <br /> <br />'UQhv.~ Znvttt..nt Co".!!..tltlon~ <br /> <br />ulreo' i.palr..nt of the publlo invllt· <br />..nt In .olnlo .nhano...nt ot hi9hway <br />rI9ht.-ot~v.y r..ult. fro. trl..ln9' <br />d..troyln,. or r.lOvin9 trt.. .nð Ihrubo <br />In ord.r to incr.... the vl.lblllty of <br />billboard. on .dj.otnt l.nd. A .ub- <br />,tlntl.l rtcorð of un.uthorl..4 and <br />unllvtul d.'truotton oxt.t., the OOlt. <br />ot which hlv, be.n dlfflault to reoov.r <br />und.r ourr.nt lawI and .ntorc...nt <br />..thode. In I I.v 'tlte. ve91tation <br />r..oval I. und,r '9r.'".nt. <br />betveen 'tat. hlVhwlY at.nol., and .19n <br />owntr., but ..peri.noe I not lu(tSol.nt <br />to,tl ,ith.r lon9 or Ihrr~ ttt. <br />.ffeote on h19hv.y lnv..t..nt. Wh.r. <br />..0.aalv, nu~r. ot on-pr..I.. flfotr&ø <br />.19n. o~p.t. vtth offiolal tr.fflc <br />control dtviet., .ddltionll ..ptndlt~t.. <br />.oatt1... blv. bttn n.ot.'ary In ord.r <br />to ..k, tht litter rt.ðlly rlc09nlalblt <br />bY ~totlat..,ly nu.'ro~. or <br />pootly de'19nld, ..lntain.d, or locat.d <br />outdoor Idvlrti,in, 11tn. .'Y indlrootly <br />d"'9' b19bvlY tnv..t..nt t.hrou9h th.1,' <br />..eoollt10n wltb thl d-terlotltion ot <br />roadl1d. land ua. .d ·.··lu.. <br />oh'nt" 11\ ro.daldl': t. /\d u.. and valu', <br />r.ault in pr...tul. fonotion.l Qbaøl.- <br />.00no. of .~j.o'nt n19hvlr" bltbvll <br />1nY..~nt 1. affect.d. <br />Currlntly CIVftS rtpuunt .ubaUnti,.l <br />bullne.. 1nv..ta4nt. and ar. cone.n· <br />trlttd In urban co...relal and <br />Indu,t,lal dl.tflc~' vh.r. high Ant <br />wlua.. art cult~uy. '11\... hcr.Otl' <br />hlv, reduced the rllk th.t they v111 <br />directly or Indirectly effect hlf¡hv'IY <br /> <br />z <br />