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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 5, 2014 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Commissioner Murphy opined that often things were pretty well in place before <br /> they came to the Planning Commission, and if the PUD wording was changing, <br /> perhaps further consideration should be given to recording the discussion and <br /> thoughts of those people, whether advisory commissions or other experts, for fu- <br /> ture reference in identifying their rationale when it got to the Planning Commis- <br /> sion stage. <br /> Chair Gisselquist opined that, philosophically, he supported eliminating PUD's <br /> and their ambiguities; however, in reality, tightening them and bringing them <br /> back as a tool seemed prudent. Chair Gisselquist also supported the City Council <br /> initiating the discussion, then forwarding it to the Planning Commission for public <br /> hearings and discussion. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned how City Manager Trudgeon envisioned <br /> this coming back in the most effective way. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon suggested that a work session first be held to consider all <br /> the issues, and perspectives from the staff level and how to move the process for- <br /> ward; and the appropriate place for PUD's as a tool, and how big or narrow they <br /> were wanted, as well as the role of the DRC and trigger points laid out. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon noted that there were many model ordinances available as a starting <br /> point; and suggested that the Planning Commission participate in the second work <br /> session after those initial discussions. Mr. Trudgeon cautioned that timing for <br /> scheduling a work session was challenging, but noted that there were many re- <br /> sources available for reference. Mr. Trudgeon noted the many frustrations expe- <br /> rienced with the previous PUD ordinance, whether real or imagined, creating the <br /> rationale for eliminating them to be more precise. However, Mr. Trudgeon noted <br /> that some things would always come forward that didn't quite fit into code, and at <br /> the end of the last cycle, almost every development coming forward was a PUD, <br /> as the previous code was not adequate to deal with modern options needed. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon opined that the basic question was whether the PUD should be used as <br /> an exception or as the rule. <br /> In advance of that discussion, Councilmember McGehee requested a list of ques- <br /> tions to be addressed. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would consult with staff and review the potential of <br /> writing an actual ordinance as a starting discussion point. <br /> Chair Gisselquist reviewed the proposed work plan for discussion items by the <br /> Commission for the remainder of this year, as detailed in the staff report dated <br /> May 5, 2014. <br /> Commissioner Cunningham noted a comment from the City Council last year as <br /> to the Commission's involvement and asked if they still had any concerns or were <br />