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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 5, 2014 <br /> Page 9 <br /> to oversight and the role and composition of the DRC. In Section 1008.04 (Al- <br /> lowed Uses), Councilmember McGehee questioned what was meant by "special, <br /> unique circumstances" when state law dictated what needed to happen. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee opined that PUD's were a necessary tool and expressed her <br /> appreciation that they were being brought back for consideration. Regarding no- <br /> tice requirements, Councilmember McGehee recognized that improvements had <br /> been made, and continued to evolve, as well as using open houses to make citi- <br /> zens aware of activities. Councilmember McGehee noted that under the proce- <br /> dures for processing, sketch plans were optional, and opined that if feedback was <br /> being sought, they should be a minimal requirement. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with Councilmember McGehee's statements, noting <br /> that he had flagged the same section of text read out by her; and since this lan- <br /> guage provided carte blanche, he would prefer it to be tightened up, along with <br /> definitions more thoroughly defined to allow PUD's to be used as a tool, but not <br /> wide open. Councilmember Etten further noted an issue brought up by Coun- <br /> cilmember Wilimus in the past as to whether this was limited to residential uses or <br /> whether it would apply—and if so,how—in mixed use zones. <br /> Councilmember Wilimus opined that this was all part of the initial City Council <br /> discussion at a future work session—hopefully in the near future; and opined that <br /> Councilmember McGehee had done an excellent job in providing direction from <br /> her perspective,but the broader body needed to weigh in as well. <br /> Acting Mayor Laliberte clarified that the preference was for a City Council work <br /> session; and asked for input from the Planning Commission tonight as well as in <br /> the future. <br /> Commissioner Boguszewski expressed his personal interest in having this tool re- <br /> turn as an additional tool for developers or citizens to use; and agreed with Coun- <br /> cilmember Wilimus' observation that many had been uncomfortable changing <br /> underlying zoning to obtain a desired outcome, but noted that it had been the only <br /> option available at the time. As the City Council initially reviews this, Commis- <br /> sioner Boguszewski encouraged them to not just edit the current document, but <br /> consider rewriting it entirely, in addition to the mechanics, oversight and role of <br /> the DRC and their authority or power or who they were accountable to, rather <br /> than having them another step removed from an elected or appointed official. If <br /> he had any feeling of the process itself, Commissioner Boguszewski opined that is <br /> was contained in that structure and the formulation of that body. <br /> Commissioner Daire, in his former role as a professional Planner with the City of <br /> Minneapolis, opined that, as the City of Roseville became a fully-developed <br /> community, PUD's would become far more important, and serve as a key for Ro- <br /> seville and its future. <br />