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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/20/2014 12:57:22 PM
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5/20/2014 12:57:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 5,2014 <br /> Page 12 <br /> b. Ramsey County Library Access—Hamline Avenue <br /> City Engineer Marc Culver introduced Ramsey County Traffic Engineer Erin <br /> Laberee and her presentation related to access on Hamline Avenue, a Ramsey <br /> County roadway. <br /> Ramsey County Traffic Engineer Erin Laberee <br /> Ms. Laberee provided the findings from their 24 hour study of this area; opining <br /> that they didn't monitor any conflicts during that time. Ms. Laberee noted heavier <br /> movements for left turns on to Commerce; afternoon peak left turns at 240, and <br /> 130 into the library itself. Ms. Laberee found 4-5 vehicles frequently stacked in <br /> the turn lane waiting for the green lights, as evidenced by traffic camera videos <br /> shot during their 24-hour review. Ms. Laberee advised that the only other obser- <br /> vation found was backups in the through-lane on southbound Hamline when the <br /> light was red, but no significant conflicts were noted for the one day camera de- <br /> tail. Ms. Laberee advised that, in her review of the crash history and driveway <br /> access from the MnDOT database, there was nothing noted since construction of <br /> the library access; with only one crash documented in 2004 and one in 2009, and <br /> both unrelated to the location of the driveway. While she recognized that this was <br /> not an ideal situation, Ms. Laberee noted that there may be several options to re- <br /> solve the problem and ease driver unease: the most costly a median constructed <br /> down Hamline Avenue to prevent left turns into or out of the driveway, even <br /> though that would cause some public concern with property owners in the area, <br /> and she would first want to talk to the library and other property owners about an- <br /> ything that affected their access. Ms. Laberee noted that another option would be <br /> to use signage, even though she anticipated people would usually just ignore that; <br /> or construction of a pork chop to make it difficult to make a left turn other than at <br /> an awkward angle. Ms. Laberee advised that any of those options would need ini- <br /> tial discussions regarding funding options, and impacts to the library and/or other <br /> property owners, none of which had been undertaken at this point. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested creating a right in and right out; and based on <br /> his personal experience in the area, he found a significant number of conflicts, es- <br /> pecially southbound Hamline when traffic stops directly in front of you. If the li- <br /> brary driveway was right in, right out only, Councilmember Willmus opined that <br /> it may alleviate that problem; and further noted the typical traffic patterns through <br /> the parking lot to access the book return, entered usually through that driveway. <br /> Mr. Culver noted that a pork chop island was generally a good idea; however, he <br /> noted that it could still be bypassed by a vehicle, which could and would occur. <br /> Mr. Culver opined that a median was the best option to restrict those movements, <br /> but recognized it as the most negative option due to the impact on property own- <br /> ers in the immediate area. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Culver advised that he was not <br /> aware of any immediate plans for the State to close access to Highway 36 at Ham- <br /> line Avenue. At his most recent meetings with MnDOT regarding Lexington Av- <br />
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