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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/20/2014 12:57:22 PM
Creation date
5/20/2014 12:57:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 5, 2014 <br /> Page 13 <br /> enue at Highway 36 and interactions with Hamline and Lexington Avenues, Mr. <br /> Culver noted that closure of that access didn't provide ideal spacing for MnDOT <br /> or the federal highway system, making it difficult for them to accomplish that clo- <br /> sure. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned the option of simply restriping Hamline Avenue <br /> allowing an additional two cars to make a left turn by moving the strip by 30-40' <br /> to allow a small expansion rather than the current configuration, creating a safe <br /> haven for a few more vehicles. <br /> Ms. Laberee advised that it was originally striped without the angle currently <br /> shown, as a center left turn lane which was converted to a left turn lane, which <br /> had created confusion as it was not clearly defined. Ms. Laberee advised that the <br /> angle was created to better define that movement; and expressed her hesitation in <br /> shortening up the left turn lane, since a number of vehicles made a left onto <br /> Commerce to avoid stacking in the opposing left turn lane, with people now mak- <br /> ing a wide left turn. Ms. Laberee opined that her concern was that there wasn't <br /> enough storage there, which had the potential of stacking people in the through <br /> lane and blocking it as well. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that it was a good suggestion to consider; and <br /> suggested another option may be to determine if the library was willing to consid- <br /> er closure of that particular driveway. <br /> Ms. Laberee advised that she had not spoken to the library directly at this time, <br /> but several years ago when Ramsey County staff discussed that option with them, <br /> they had not been interested. Ms. Laberee offered to contact them and enter into <br /> those discussions again. <br /> Councilmember Etten reiterated his support for his suggested option, or to specify <br /> that driveway as an "exit only" or restriping the roadway as the least expensive <br /> options that provided the most increased safety. <br /> Acting Mayor Laliberte advised that she was the one who continually brought this <br /> forward for City Council discussion; and thanked Ms. Laberee for her attendance <br /> and willingness to discuss the issue. Acting Mayor Laliberte noted that, while <br /> there may not be actual crashes documented, she observed many near misses as <br /> people were stacked in the southbound driving lane startling those coming up be- <br /> hind them not anticipating someone stopping directly in front of them. Acting <br /> Mayor Laliberte understood the need for storage for turns onto Commerce, and <br /> did not support shortening that turn lane; however, she expressed interest in fur- <br /> ther discussion with the library for other options, whether a right in, pork chop or <br /> restriping, but finding some ultimate resolution to prevent left turns from that <br /> lane. Acting Mayor Laliberte opined that it should be considered illegal, and was <br /> a significant safety issue from her perspective in driving that route on a daily ba- <br />
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