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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/20/2014 12:57:22 PM
Creation date
5/20/2014 12:57:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 5,2014 <br /> Page 17 <br /> was created in 1984. Mr. Culver opined that the proposed program was more in <br /> line with current city storm water guidelines and watershed requirements regard- <br /> ing increases in impervious surfaces and general site disturbances. <br /> Staff Recommendations: <br /> Mr. Culver advised that staff recommends City Council approval of the new pro- <br /> gram as presented with credits calculated and applied in 2014. Mr. Culver noted <br /> that property owners who had previously registered their Best Management Prac- <br /> tices (BMP's) would receive notice of potential credits, and as part of their appli- <br /> cation for credit, would need to prove they met the requirements for credit. Mr. <br /> Culver noted that the program also required that every five years, any property re- <br /> ceiving credit would have to recertify the condition under which the credit was <br /> originally granted. For commercial properties, Mr. Culver noted that this would <br /> require some cost for them to hire a consulting firm to recertify their BMP. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that a number of properties throughout Roseville <br /> had natural rain gardens, and questioned if they would be eligible for this credit. <br /> Mr. Culver advised that, under the proposed policy, they would not be eligible, as <br /> the focus was intended for those properties implementing non-natural BMP's <br /> above and beyond natural site conditions, and require registration and verification <br /> that they were serving that purpose. Mr. Culver noted that overflow on properties <br /> and other natural areas were part of the overall storm water system,but the credits <br /> were intended for people going beyond those natural components. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned, in function, why their involvement should <br /> be prohibited, with Mr. Culver responding that some type of certification (e.g. soil <br /> boring or property analysis as to how much runoff was leaving a parcel) would <br /> need to be done. Mr. Culver opined that this would be going back to the current <br /> storm water system in giving credit for something the property owner didn't do to <br /> improve a situation and would be difficult to address. <br /> If a property held versus dumped runoff water, Councilmember Etten questioned <br /> how the City addressed natural versus intentional actions by property owners; <br /> opining that it would be costly to certify that and questioned if it would be pru- <br /> dent to attempt to do so. <br /> As a resident on Hamlin Avenue, on a County Road without curb and gutter, <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned how much benefit he would receive with <br /> such a program compared to those with curb and gutter installed. Councilmember <br /> Willmus noted parcels along County Road B with significant inflow on their <br /> property coming from impervious surfaces elsewhere that stayed on their land, <br /> while they were charged a storm water fee but received no benefit. <br />
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