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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/20/2014 12:57:22 PM
Creation date
5/20/2014 12:57:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 5,2014 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Mr. Culver expressed his understanding of that concern and specific lots. How- <br /> ever, Mr. Culver noted that the storm water fee was for everyone's share in the <br /> trunk system,just as the water base rate served to pay to get water to your home, <br /> and similar to the benefits realized in using other roadways to get to your homes. <br /> Mr. Culver opined that the storm water utility needed to be treated the same as <br /> other facilities of benefit to all residents of Roseville. Mr. Culver noted that the <br /> storm water fee also provides the City with the ability to address some localized <br /> issues with existing storm water today to make improvements for the future. <br /> As a resident on a street where everyone had unsuccessfully fought hard not to <br /> have curb and gutter installed, Councilmember McGehee opined that it had creat- <br /> ed additional problems for her parcel by eliminating the natural swales once in <br /> place. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Culver addressed regulations for <br /> sump pumps, their location and restrictions. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned if the implementation of this program would <br /> have significant financial impacts in aggregate for residents across the City, such <br /> as storm water fee base rates increasing to cover the credit program. <br /> Mr. Culver advised that there were options available as to how this was imple- <br /> mented and how to maintain the initial levy to base rates upon, with the credit <br /> eventually built back into the rates. However, with so few users, Mr. Culver <br /> opined that it may not be necessary; and in his initial discussions with Finance Di- <br /> rector Miller, they agreed that there would be so few users to begin with it didn't <br /> make sense to increase those rates, but to let the revenue amount be decreased by <br /> the credit amount. If the program came to a point that it significantly impacted <br /> revenue, Mr. Culver advised that a determination could then be made as to how to <br /> build it back into the starting fee, or essentially credits getting applied proportion- <br /> ately. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned the rationale in different base rates (page 1 of <br /> the RCA) for cemeteries, parks and golf courses and how it was determined. He <br /> also questioned if County parks with significant parking lots were charged appro- <br /> priately; and whether the City was charging itself for City parks, some with <br /> smaller or no parking lots, and how those rates were determined. <br /> Mr. Culver noted that those 1984 multipliers had been established for different <br /> land uses, basically by looking at the average of impervious surfaces, with an as- <br /> sumption made that parks had parking lots, trails, tennis courts, or shelters or oth- <br /> er packed down surfaces, creating less pervious and more impervious surfaces. <br /> Regarding whether or not the City charged itself and/or Ramsey County accord- <br /> ingly, City Manager Trudgeon advised that he was not sure and further research <br />
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