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26 b. The proposed development is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in <br />2� that it represents continuing investment in an existing commercial property. <br />2� Moreover, the Comprehensive Plan's storm-water-related content is mostly about <br />2� ensuring best-practices for site-specific storm water management, eliminating illicit <br />3� discharge into storm water systems, and minimizing the polluting effects that occur <br />3� when untreated and uncontrolled storm water runs into natural surface water <br />3� resources. While the proposed development may have challenges that must be met <br />3: with respect to on-site storm water management, it would not contribute illicit <br />34. discharge and, since the surrounding sub-watershed area is landlocked, potential <br />3� pollution leaving the property in a flood event cannot end up in other wetlands, <br />36 streams, lakes, etc.; <br />37 c. The proposal is consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinances because the low <br />3� floor elevation regulations are primarily intended to protect property owners from <br />3� flood damage and, since the property has been in commercial use at its existing <br />4cF elevation since 1950, the proposal represents a continuation of the commercial use <br />4� and not the creation of a new flood-prone property; <br />4�� d. The proposed retail redevelopment makes reasonable use of the subject property <br />4� because strict compliance with the zoning code would require the grade of the <br />4� property to be raised nine feet (or the building itself essentially erected on stilts), <br />4� resulting in the floor of any new building that is 11 feet above the adjacent street, <br />4� making "reasonable" use of the property effectively impossible without a variance; <br />4 C e. The property possesses the kind of unique characteristics that justify approval of the <br />4s requested variance because the location and elevation of the property with respect to <br />4� the adjacent storm pond which receives storm water from a large surrounding area are <br />5c� unique circumstances which were not created by the present or prospective land <br />5 � owners; and <br />s2 f. The proposed redevelopment of the property would simply replace an existing <br />5� general retail and personal service use with a new retail building at essentially the <br />5a same grade, so approval of the requested variance would not alter the character of the <br />55 surrounding area. <br />s� NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roseville Variance Board, to approve <br />5 i the requested variance to the required minimum low floor elevation, allowing the redevelopment <br />5� of the property with a low floor elevation of approximately 912 feet as proposed, with the <br />5� condition that the applicant sign a flood damage liability waiver to be drafted by the City <br />�o Attorney. <br />F� The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Variance <br />6� Board Member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: ; <br />s� and voted against; <br />64 WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />