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<br />FINANCE AND COMMERCEAPPEUATE COUKl'S EDmoN <br /> <br />The board denied the requested variance based upon the or- <br />dinance, the facts, and the intent of thc county's nonconformity <br />policy. The district court properly determined that the board did <br />not act arbitrarily or capriciously. Accordingly, the court did not <br />crr in granting summary judgmcnt in the county's favor. <br />AOirmed. <br /> <br />This OpiDiOD will be unpublished and <br />may Dot be cited except as provided by <br />MinD. Stat. § 480A.08, sobel. 3 (1992) <br /> <br /> <br />Olmsted County Huspeni, Judge <br />District Court Fùe No. C2-93-2869 <br /> <br />Rickford Munger, <br />petitioner, <br /> <br />Prose <br />7525 4th Ave. <br />Uno Lakes, MN 55014 <br /> <br />Appellant, <br /> <br />vs. <br /> <br />Frank Wood, <br />Commissioner of <br />Corrections <br />State of Minnesota, <br /> <br />Hubert H. Humphrey, ill <br />State Attomcy Gencral <br />M. Jacqucline Rcgis <br />Asst. Attorney Gencral <br />1100 NCL Towcr <br />445 Minnesota Street <br />St. Paul, MN 55101 <br /> <br />Respondent. <br /> <br />Filed: Novcmber 1, 1994 <br />Office of Appellate Courts <br /> <br />Considered and decided by Peterson, Presiding Judge, r .an!ång, <br />Judge, and Huspeni, Judge. <br /> <br />UNPUBLISHED OPINION <br />HUSPENI, Judge (Hon. Joseph F. Wieners, District Court) <br />Appellant challenges the denial of his petition for a writ of babeas <br />corpus, arguing that (1) Minn. Stat. § 243.18 controls the applica- <br />tion of his earned" good timc" as opposed to MinD. Stat. § 244.04, <br />subd. 1, and (2) his due process rights have been violåted because <br />his "good time" accrued to supervised release time instead of <br />reducing his overall sentcnce. Because wc find that MinD. Stat. § <br />244.04, subd. 1 controls appellant's earned "good timc" and that <br />appellant has suffered no violation of his duc process rights, we <br />affirm. <br /> <br />FAcrs <br />The facts of this case are not in dispute. Rickford Munger <br />(Munger) was convicted of:fust degree burglary and senteoced to <br />97 months in prison. 'Hc was released on supervised release after <br />earning good time credit and serving two-thirds of his sentence. <br />Munger filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, arguing that <br />his good time should reduce his total sentence pursuant to MinD. <br />Stat. § 243.18, subd. 1 (1992) instead of reducing his tenD of <br />imprisonment and accruing to his term of supervised release pur- <br />suant to Minn. Stat. § 244.04, subeL 1 (1992). The district court <br />denied Munger's petition and Munger appeals. <br /> <br />DECISION <br />This court ,reviews a district court's denial of a petition for habeas <br />, corpus dc novo. State ex reL Sawge v. Rigg, 250,Minn. 370,373, <br />84 N. W.2d 640, 643 (1957). When no fact issues exist, an appellate <br />court may determinc the issue on the basis of the trial court record. <br />State ex rei Bossman v. Hursh, 253 Minn. 578,578,92 N.W.2d <br />673,673 n.1 (1958). <br />L AppUcabillty ofMiDn. Stat. § § 243.18 and 244.04 <br /> <br />AI opinions since 1989 C8J be faxed. Cal333-f244. <br /> <br />'-"" . ---- '_.~ '!. <br /> <br />November 4, 1994 <br /> <br />Appellant argues that his sentence should be reduced by good <br />time earned pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 243.18, subd. 1. Application <br />of the good time earned by appellant is controUed, however, by <br />Minn. Stat. i 244.04, subd. 1 which provides: <br /> <br />the term of imprisonment of any inmate sentenced to a <br />presumptive fixed sentence after May 1, 1980, and whose <br />crime was committed before August 1, 1993, shall be <br />reduced in duration by one day for cac:b two days during <br />which thc inmate violates DOne of the disciplinary offense <br />rules promulgated by the commissioner. The reduction <br />shall acaue to thc period of supervised release to be served <br />by thc inmate. <br /> <br />This section controls the application of appellant's good time be- <br />cause he was sentenced after May 1, 1980, for a crime committed <br />before August 1, 1993. "[T]he only rcasoĊ“ble construction of <br />[Minn. Stat. § 244.04, subd. 1] is that of a single good-time <br />deduction, equal to one-third of the sentence, accruing to, and <br />becoming, the period of supervised release." Seifert v. Erickson, <br />420 N.W.2d 917, 919 (MinD. App. 1988), pet. for rev. denied <br />(Minn. May 18, 1988). Under MinD. Stat. § 244.04, subeL 1, <br />appellant's good time reduces his term of imprisonment and accrues <br />to his supervised release term while the overall length of the <br />sentence remains unchanged. <br />Minn. Stat. § 243.18, subd. 1 (1992), which appellant argues is <br />the applicable section, provides: <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Every inmate sentenced for any term other than lifc, con- <br />fined in a state adult correctional facility or on parolc <br />therefrom, may diminish the term of sentence one day for <br />eacb two days duringwbich the inmate bas not violated any <br />facility rule or discipline. <br /> <br />This section is the pre-sentcncing guid~es good time statute. <br />State ex reL McMaster v. Benson, 495 N.W.2d 613, 614 (MinD. <br />App. 1993), pet. for rev. denied (MiDn. Mar. 11, 1993). MinD. <br />Stat. § 244.04, sub,l. 1, on the other band, applies to inmates <br />sentenced under the guidelines. See MinD. Stat. § 244.09, subd. <br />12 (1992) (providing that the guidelines become effective May 1, <br />1980). Because appellant was sentenced after the guidelines came <br />into effect, section 244.04, subd. 1, not section 243.18, subd. 1, is <br />the applicable statute. <br />Furthermore, the legislature passed an amendment to section <br />243.18 that clarifies when and how that section is to be applied. 1994 <br />Minn. Laws ch. 636, art. 6, § 28. The amendment states: <br /> <br />every inmate sentenced before May 1, 1980, for any term . <br />othcr than life, confined in a state adult correctional facility <br />or on parolc therefrom, may diminish thc maximnm term <br />of sentence one day for each two days during which the <br />inmate has DOt violated any facility rule or disciplinc. <br />1994 MinD. Laws ch. 636, art. 6, § 9. 1 <br /> <br />1 MiM. Stat. § 243.18, subd. 1 will also be I8numbered as <br />section 244.04, subd. 18. 1994 Minn. Laws ch. 636, art. 6, § 33. <br /> <br />The underlined words constitute the added language. This amend- <br />ment further indicates that Minn. Stat. § 243.18, subd. 1 does not <br />apply to appellant because he was senteoced after May 1, 1980. <br />Additionally, MinD. Stat. § 244.05, subd. 1 (1992) provides that: <br /> <br />every inmatc shall servc a supervised release tenn upon <br />completion of the inmate's tenn of imprisonment as <br />reduced by any good timc earned by the inmate. <br /> <br />This section applies only to inmates who committed crimes on or <br />after May 1, 1980. 1978 Minn. Laws ch. 7Z3, art. 1, § 20, subd. 2 <br />It requires aU inmates to serve a term of supervised release and, <br />again, that the inmate's term of imprisonment is reduced by good <br />time earned. If inmates whose crimes were committed after May 1, <br />1980, could apply their good time pursuant to section 243.18, subd. <br />1, they could avoid a term of supervised release. Such a result <br /> <br />42 <br />