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Last modified
6/19/2014 2:51:53 PM
Creation date
6/19/2014 2:45:04 PM
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Public Works Commission
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355 outreach, whether only on the City Hall campus or beyond that. Ms. McKeown <br />356 noted that their role could also be to work with other businesses willing to serve <br />357 as a host site, to facilitate meetings to discuss opportunities, and updating <br />358 ordinances and getting realistic standards in place to support such an effort <br />359 beforehand. <br />360 <br />361 Stuart Roberts, Roseville resident and business owner <br />362 Given the previous discussion about train noise and as a resident on the north end <br />363 of Rice Street observing the tracks on a daily basis, Mr. Roberts opined that better <br />364 than 90% of the loads represented frack sand and /o ,W tank cars. Therefore Mr. <br />365 Roberts opined that getting into renewable energy sources was of great interest to <br />366 a number of residents. While it was easy not to see or hear people, Mr. Roberts <br />367 further opined that there were a number of residents seriously interested in doing <br />368 something different. However, Mr. Roberts noted that, as an example, his home <br />369 was not a suitable candidate for a private solar system, but similar to a number of <br />370 other residents whose homes were too small or not located for appropriate solar <br />371 panels, there was considerable interest in pursuing other options. <br />372 <br />373 Mr. Roberts noted that many residents remained unaware of options such as these, <br />374 and discussions about those options, such as tonight's presentation, opining that <br />375 the room would be filled to capacity or beyond if that information was made <br />376 available. Mr. Roberts stated that residents wanted their City to understand the <br />377 interest and need for more information, and be responsive accordingly. Due to <br />378 the cumbersome code system currently in place, Mr. Roberts opined that it had <br />379 proven impossible to pursue a solar option over the last decade. Also in terms of <br />380 trying to get a sense of interest, Mr. Roberts suggested using the City newsletter; <br />381 provide e -mail notices, or other to consider other options to reach the public. Mr. <br />382 Roberts opined that he found the whole concept of a community solar garden <br />383 interesting, and while new and engaging, people often didn't understand that it <br />384 was so simple to seek these new and engaging options. <br />385 <br />386 Given the limite mount o f space he has available, and other issues with <br />387 businesses in leased spaces an having no control over the building, Mr. Roberts <br />388 opined t t it may be hard for a property owner to put PV's on a roof, and the <br />389 current ru were holding up the option for a community solar garden. While it's <br />390 a great idea from the perspective of most people, while others thought it too <br />391 complicated to accomplish, Mr. Roberts encouraged the City to work on getting <br />392 the City's portion of the costs taken care of, and if there was enough financing <br />393 available for a return, it should pay for itself. Mr. Roberts expressed his <br />394 appreciation for having this discussion, and spoke in enthusiastic support of the <br />395 City pursuing the idea. <br />396 <br />397 As Chair Stenlund polled the audience on their interest in being subscribers, all <br />398 those in attendance showed their interest in a community solar option. <br />399 <br />Page 9 of 20 <br />
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