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<br />,PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />Notice is hereby glver1 that the Planning <br />CommIssIon of the City of liosevllle wIll meet <br />at Rcsel/llle City Hall, 2660 CIvic Gentel DrIve, <br />on Thllrsday, December 9, 1993 ~t 7:30 p,m" <br />for the purþQse of C<Jnl1lderlng the f'!llowlng <br />request: <br />,CSM Corporation reques\ 10T Planl\oo lJ\\\t <br />Development (PUD) and prollmin~\[y and final <br />plat at 2360 W. County Road C for the <br />redevelopmen! of the property and construction <br />, of a. rlew olflcelwareh!)use, faolllty. <br />The City Council, of thO City 01 Ros&vil1e, will <br />meet on MOrldãy, Deoember i3, 1993 at City <br />H¡¡.I! at 7:30 p.m., to consider this request. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />patoet II " <br />All that part ollhe Northwest OLlarter of Sec- <br />tion 8, Tcwnship 29, Range 23, Iylrlg Ncrth of <br />~ the Northerly fine cf righf-of-way acquired by the <br />I M 8< St.. L.' Railway Co, (now owned by N.P. <br />RailwliY Cc.) and IY[rlg East of a line runrllng <br />. So Lith at right 8t1gles to Ncrth line cf said North- , <br />west - Quartlil( ,from a, po!nt- thli\reon dIstant <br />, 1130;88 le6t'·WesCoI the N&theast comer of- <br />i saId, Northw~st Qu~rter and lying West cf II line <br />: running South M fight Í'\I1g(e~ to said Nor;th line <br />I of the Northwest QLlartar Irom a point tHeraorl <br />I QIst¡int 363 feet West 01 the WeMerly right-of- <br />f way Jlntl of Minnesota Transfer Railway Com- <br />i pany (measured en said North_line) and lyIng <br />I Northwel1lsrly of II line deacrlbsd as loIlows: <br />" Beginning at 'a polrlt on said North line of the <br />Ncrthwest Quarter distant 53 feet West of last <br />I named 'rlgh,t-Pl-way lIna (measured on said <br />! North IInè), thence ru nning Sout/lwesterly at an <br />, angle 6f 73 dSQreoo H> m)nuteÌl to saId North <br />III Jle fer a distance of 330 feet tc II pclnt; thence <br />, on a curve te'the right at a radius 01 553.71eel <br />\(curve being tengent to last descrlbed'lIne at <br />flast desorlbed point) to an Intersection with first <br />~a!OredeScrlbed right-of-W~~"line-, , <br /> <br />Parcell!; <br />Beginning at a pain! in North line of Section <br />8, Tcwnship 29, Range 23, distant 363 feet <br />West of the WestOiJriy right-of· way line Of the <br />~IJlnesota Transfer Railway Company which <br />right-of-way lin", is parallel with and dIstant 50 <br />feet Westerly measured at right angles from <br />center line of the main track of said Minnesota <br />Transfer Railway; thence East altmg North line <br />of said Sectlorl 8, II distance at SIC) teet to a <br />point 53 feet West of fhe Wes{erly line cf said <br />MInnesota Transfer Railway Company's rlght- <br />of-way; thl!nce ,SoútherlY along a line' making <br />an ,angle of 73 degrees 15 minutes In the <br />Southwest quadrant, a distance cl MO feet to <br />~ poinl \01 curve; thence along a curve to the <br />right havIng a radlllS of 653,7 feet, said curvOiJ <br />being tangent to last described line at las! <br />described. point to the-Intersection of said curv- <br />ed Jlne with a line drawn Southerly trom pclnt <br />of be!linnJng and at right anglea to North,lIne <br />of saId SOiJctlon 8; thence Northerly along laat <br />mentioned right angle line to the point of <br />beginnl ng. ' <br />Parcel 3 ' . <br />, ,,1;haf ò~rtain tract of I!lnd IrI t~e Ndrthe~! t <br />Quaner of the Northwest Quarter of SectionB <br />Townshiþ 29 NOrth, Range 23~Weat, -Fourth <br />Þ"mc'lpa\ MerkJian, de!;crlbM ae. lolloW8: ßegln-- <br />nlng at II point on the North fine of aaid Sec- <br />tion 8 wheTe fhe same 15 I ntersected by the <br />WeateTly right-oj-way line of the MInnesota <br />Transler Railway Ccm¡Jany which rlght-of·way <br />line is parallel with and distant 50 feet Wesler· <br />Iy meaaured at right a~gles, Irom Ihe çr¡¡nler line <br />of the main tracK 01 said Minnesota Transfer <br />Railway; thence West along said North line 53 <br />feet to a poInt; thenCe Sáutherly alcng a line <br />making an angle of 73 degrees 15 mln utes in <br />the Scuthwest quadrant a distance o'f 330 feel <br />tc a point of curve; thence along a curve to the <br />right, having a radius of 553.7 feet, said clive <br />beIng tangent to last described line at last <br /> <br />aescnutlu ~LJIII~~ Do ""'......... .-- -. - . _ <br />)&88, to a point on the Northerly Ime of the JiOht- <br />of.way of the Northern Pacific Railway ÇQl!). <br />paoy for Its Minneapolis Branch, which l!t/hl- <br />Of-way line Is parallel w'lth and dlatMt 5~ T~~t <br />Northerly, measured at right angles, frot¡1<tlìG <br />center line of the main track 01 the Minneapolis <br />Branch; thence Easterly along the last meþtlQþ- <br />ed paral!elllne to Ihe We!!I""ly rJght-ol-way:!lge <br />01 \he M\T'I!'I~o\"" Tr'<II\sM RaIlway Comp<J.f }', <br />thence Ncrtheriy along 1M Minnesota Trll/:fà/¡;¡r <br />Railway Gcmpany rIght-of-way Une to Ihe ¡:i!lfit <br />c! beginolng. Ramsey County, Mlnneso,t!l. ,: <br />Middle Parcel > ':, . <br />That part of the East 1h 01 tDe Nc¡the~st V. <br />01 the Norlheaet v.. of Section U, Townshi/t$, ' <br />Range 23, descTibed aa follows: Commençl119 <br />at a point 33 feet West and 33 feet South 'ol-t~e ' <br />Northeast comer 01 the Northeast % oLti1e. <br />Northeaet % 01 ~ection 11, Townsl\íp.~.: <br />Range 23; thence West on a line patallel-tq the, <br />Ncrth line of said Northeast %, 362,84 !ee\"to <br />point 'of beginning; thence, West on the-saiþe¡ <br />IIhe 98.97 feet; thence South 409.-56 leen\!) a <br />pOi!)t 494,05 feet West of the East 1I0e qf ,$-"~id <br />',séotìon; Ihence Ep'sI9~,81. fel!\;:theoce ~_þ~th <br />409.83 feet to placOiJ õl beglnning.·R~y <br />County, MinnesDta. ' ",. ~ . <br />Sieve Sar :¡~y , <br />, , Oily MlÍnager ~ <br />(RosGville Review; Nov. 23, 1993) <br />