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<br />ROSEVILLE WEST BUSINESS CENTER <br />APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL <br />AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPRO V AL <br /> <br />CSM CORPORATION <br /> <br />November 15, 1993 <br /> <br />CSM Corporation is applying for Planned Unit Development approval and for a Subdivision <br />(preliminary and final plat) in connection with its proposed development of the Roseville West Business <br />Center (Ettinger Truck Terminal), located at the intersection of CQijnty Road C and the Minnesota <br />Transfer Railway. <br /> <br />Existing Site Conditions <br /> <br />The site is currently only partially developed. The west portion of the site contains a warehouse facility <br />that was constructed in 1985, the original truck terminal constructed in the 1940's, and a small service <br />garage at the south end of the site. The east portion of the site is currently undeveloped, however <br />evidence exists of prior development of the site. <br /> <br />The redevelopment plan proposes the demolition of the original truck terminal and service garage, and <br />the construction of two new office/warehouse facilities in two phases. The first phase of development <br />consists of a new building of approximately 96,625 square feet, and the rehabilitation and upgrading <br />of the 60,000 square foot 1985 warehouse facility. The second phase of development proposes <br />construction of a new building of approximately 53,264 square feet. <br /> <br />The site is currently configured as two tax parcels, the smallest of which is not developable on its own. <br /> <br />Environmental Considerations <br /> <br />The existing truck terminal contains asbestos wrapped pipes and other asbestos containing materials. <br />Because of the age of the existing truck terminal, it is also likely that the fluorescent light fixtures <br />contain PCB ballasts. The existing truck terminal facility also has seven underground storage tanks <br />located at the north of the site, and around the service garage. All of these factors present a potential <br />environmental risk to the site and the public. The proposed development will include the removal of the <br />underground sto~ge tanks, the remediation of any contaminated soils associated therewith, and the <br />removal of the asbestos and PCB containing materials. <br /> <br />The east portion of the site also has environmental concerns of a more significant nature. Soil borings <br />and monitoring wells have revealed that soil contamination exists to a depth of a contaminated perched <br />water layer at approximately 30 feet. Groundwater samples taken at a depth of 80 feet show trace levels <br />of volatile and semi-volatile organic contamination. The source of this groundwater contamination could <br />be the impacted soils on the property, or from other off-site sources, including the adjacent bulk <br />petroleum storage facility, and an adjacent solvent and chemical company. The soil contamination, and <br />its possible contamination of the ground water are a potential health and safety risk to the public. <br /> <br />The proposed development would also include the remediation of the existing soil contamination on the <br />east portion of the property. <br />