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<br />SUMMARY OF <br />PROPOSED SHORELAND~ WETLAND, AND STORM WATER <br /> <br />,./r ... ....T ... ,....~,.,M.."..."f~ .......""......TJi.T.... 1II.TI"'1'1'i'1 ^-""..,r\.'D'I7'n ... nt'l..4 <br />!Y~!~^U.llJ1UJl¡!~.1 Vn.u.ll~^l~ '-..oJ!.¡ ~ V,,",.1 VDJl¡n, .1:7:1'1 <br /> <br />The City ofRoseville is updating its shoreland regulations and adding new environmental <br />protection requirements for the wetlands and storm water ponds in the community. This update is <br />... ~.__ _11_ . L1__ ......~_______..j ._ 'Y"""I..____.-L.__......._..L _.1'"1rLy_.L__......_1 T"t......___..........._ .t.1..._ ,x.....L~..-...........1~.i._.....I"1............._~1 <br /> .....1...... <br />reqmrea DY me IVlmnesma uepanmem: or l"lalUfW .l\.e::!Oun.:;elS, me upomuu \..,uum,;u, ~Ul¡j <br />Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources~ and other agencies. <br /> <br />History <br /> <br />The City ofRoseville has one of the first (and oldest) shoreJand management ordinances in the <br />State. The City saw this as a means to protect the 1I...natural ecology and aesthetic environment <br />of the community". When adopted in 1974~ the ordinance was considered an innovative method <br />of protecting the shoreUnes of iakes in the community from dense development too dose to the <br />water's edge. After 1974, all single family homes with shoreline were required to be set back 75 <br />feet from the shoreline~ the lot had to be at least 12,500 sq. ft. in size. The minimum lot width for <br />new lots adjacent to the lake was 100 feet. In addition, business and apartments were required to <br />have at least a 30~OOO sq. ft. lot and a minimum lot width of ISO feet. In total, the ordinance <br />affected 299 acres of state designated lakes and 421 acres ofland surrounding the five lakes <br />(Owasso, Josephine. Little Johanna, North Bennett~ and McCarrons). There are approximately <br />265 parcels abutting these Jakes. <br /> <br />PrC)po~ed Ordinant~ <br /> <br />The 1994 proposed ordinance expands environmental protection regulations to aU City classified <br />lakes, wetlands, and storm ponds in addition to MnDNR classified lakes. The ordinance affects <br />791 acres of open water, wetland, and storm pond1ng areas and 942 acres of abutting land. There <br />are approximately 1.608 parcels within the lakes, wetlands. and storm ponding overlay zone. Of <br />these parcels sHghtly more than 1% (approximately 20) are currently vacant or undeveloped. <br /> <br />The proposed ordinance attempts to protect and manage the wetlands and storm ponds that <br />eventually contribute water, nutrients and sediment to the lakes. It regulates development around <br />City classified lakes (Langton, Zimmerman, Bennett, Walsh, Willow, and Oasis) in the same <br />manner as State classified lakes. In addition, it requires that new lots within 100 feet of either <br />wetlands or storm ponds have at least 75% of the lot area above the ordinary high water level. <br />The proposed structure must be setback 50 feet from the edge of the wetland or pond. Structures <br />must also be setback a minimum of 30 feet from any bluff. Healthy vegetation and trees between <br />the structure and the shorelines must be protected. <br /> <br />Accessory structures such as gazebos and boat houses are permitted, but must take special <br />precautions, setbacks, and landscaping to reduce their impact on shorelines and water quality. <br />Stairways are also permitted for access over steep slopes. <br /> <br />New deck additions. on homes built after March 27, 1974~ toward lakes, ponds and wetlands <br />must meet the same setback as the structure. There is a "grandfather clause" for deck additions <br />on homes built before the adoption of the original ordinance (March, 1974). <br /> <br />Planned Unit Developments are the preferred method for any new or redeveloped project within <br />the shoreland overlav zone. <br />..--~ -~----~ ~-~--~ ~ - ~----J -~---. <br />