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<br />18.010 Name. The name ofthis Chapter shal1 be: liThe City of Rosevil1e Shoreland, Wetland, <br /> <br />__..J t:'>...-.~ '1"('1_....__ "'-1._.....______....._. n_..J~______ <br />i1lJU .::ttUllll vv i1tl;l lVlaua!SI;HlCIH VJ UUJaH~I;. <br /> <br />18.011. Statement of Purpose. To aclúeve the policies described in the City Comprehensive <br />Plan, State and Federal policies and statutes, the City of Roseville intends to determine, control, <br /> <br />. I.... _ . 'II ..... . II lit.' 11 _ _ tI __ _ _ 'I t _,. _ _ _ _ _ __ -' oj¡ ... <br />ana gUlae tuture aevelopmem wmun ana surrounamg tnase lana areas wmçn are conuguous w <br />designated bodies of public water, and areas of natural envirorunental significance as herein <br />defined and regulated. Specifically, this chapter purports to: <br /> <br />I. Regulate the p1acement of sanitary and stonn water disposa1 faciHties on jots; <br /> <br />2. Regulate the area ofa lot and the length of water &ontage suitable for a building site; <br /> <br />3. Regulate alteration of the shore1ands and wetlands of public waters~ <br /> <br />4. Control natural environment areas of ecological value to maintain exjsting aquatic. <br />vegètation and wildlife conditions to the maximum extent possible; <br /> <br />5.. Regulate the use and subdivision of land within the corporate limits as it relates to public <br />waters, shorelands, and storm water <br /> <br />,6. Provide variances from the minimum standards and criteria. <br /> <br />18.012 Jurisdiction. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the shoreland, wetland and <br />"1i">1"m n,,,1Þr m"n"opmpnt Avprl!1v ñi¡;:tri...t<: IInrl thp C'.Ït\J in!r : a¡¡ ea~h !':er:tinn !':necifies <br />................... ......-......... ·...·-··-e-··f-"... ---...-,; -..........-"".... -..- ...-..- --....,¡ --..1;1...................... --... ....-....... --......-....-- -r-..-----· <br /> <br />18.020 Definitions Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this ordinance <br />shaIl be interpreted so as to give them the same meaning as they have in common usage and so as <br /> <br />...... _:........ ..L:... ....t...,..__......... ~+... --._...+ .,.^-""'....__n......1ð ""_-n1:.....",+~_n r"r ..1,.0 ......n-rnI"\~O ^Ç'+h~c .t"\f'"r1ir\!3"'''''o. .\""J¡ n_1A..-r1~ <br />LV i'l V~ LlU:) \¡.tuapL~1 lL:J IHV~ ,. ;I. ~a.;)VllQ.U""'" GY.pu""u.uvu. ... Vi "U\of .t"..U yv.,:,,,,, VJ. L-I-U'" VI '-1...11...,......""., ~'.I.'" "" 'W.I \.1..,:1 <br />"must" and "shall" are mandatory and not permissive. AU distances, unless otherwise specified, <br />shaU be measured horizontally. <br /> <br />_-.__.-__~ . .. ... .... It.. _ ._ _. n __H~_~'~" u______~_ ___1_ '11"__ <br />HS.U:W.J Accessory structure or laculty. ""ACCessory strucwre or ""Iacuny m~aus any OUIJOJIIg <br />or improvement subordinate to a prindpal use which, because of the nature of its use, can <br />reasonably be located at or greater than normal structure setbacks (such as a detailed garage). <br /> <br />18.0)0.2 Bluff. "Bluff' means a topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having <br />the following characteristics (an area with an average slope of less than 18 percent over a dìstance <br />for 50 feet or more shall not be considered part of the bluff): <br /> <br />(1) Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area; <br /> <br />(2) The slope rises at least 2S feet above the ordinary high water level of the waterbody; <br /> <br />2 <br />