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<br />1"1\ Th.a. rTr-ðAa. ^.r.....A "..1,...nA A,.""".... +"-_ ...."'+1..._1...1n.œ..." 1'1 .........:...... "C ,,___+ ^. .......""'..6...1-.."""..._ +,1,,4 <br />\" J .L U\,; !!II "'...... ...£ U..... .,.....t''''' £. "'0£' U."" ~Ulij "'£ ~U'" .,.WU .... '" ,,"'UiL ~" £...",~ .... 10£.... '" "'.,V V '" ~...... <br />ordinary high water JeveJ averages 30 percent or greater; and <br /> <br />(4) The slope must drain toward the waterbody. <br /> <br />18.020.3 Bluff impact zone. "Bluff impact zone" means a bluff and land located within 20 feet <br />trom the top of a bluff <br /> <br />18.020.4 Boathouse. IIBoathouseU means a structure designed and used soieiy for the storage of <br />water crafts, boats. boating or water craft equipment. <br /> <br />(8.020.5 Board of Adjustment and Appeal means the RoseviUe City Council and Mayor. <br /> <br />18.020.6 Building line. "Building line" means a line parallel to a lot line or the ordinary high <br />water level at the required setback beyond wlùch a structure may not extend. <br /> <br />18.020.7 Commercial planned unit developments. "Commercial planned unit developments" <br />are typically uses that provide transient. short-term lodging spaces, rooms, or parcels and their <br />operations are essentially service-oriented. For example. hoteVmotel accommodations. resorts. <br />recreational vehicle and camping parks, and other primarily service-oriented activities are <br />commercial planned unit· developments. <br /> <br />,-18.020.8 Commercial use. IICommercial use" means the principal use ofland or buildings for <br />+1..... ""t.. 1..""", .......+"t ..... +..",A", "f'........A"...+.. n...."A.. ",...A ".......~......" <br />1r16..... ¡¡:I".t""', .""I4tiJ'.....,. """II"''''''',. va "I""W,,",, ".... .,.."''\,n.........:;II) evv'W~,. M....... 1iiII....... ......""',.;¡¡O. <br /> <br />18.020.9 Commissioner. ItCommissioner" means the conunissioner of the Department of <br />Natural Resources. <br /> <br />18.020.10 Conditional use. "Conditional usell means a land use or development as defined by <br />City Code that may not be appropriate generally, but may be approved by the City Council with <br />appropriate restrictions as provided by the City Code upon a finding that certain conditions as <br />detailed in the zoning ordinance exist. the use or development conforms to the comprehensive <br />land use plan of the community. and the use. through the imposition of conditions, is compatible <br />with the existing neighborhood. <br /> <br />18.020.11 Conditional Use Permit. A pernút specially and individually granted in accordance <br />with trus code. by the Cjty Council after review thereof by the Planning Commission as a <br />flexibility device to enable the City Council to assign dimensions or conditions to a proposed use. <br />after consideration of the impacts on or functions of adjacent and nearby properties and the <br />special problems that the proposed use presents. <br /> <br />18.020.12 Deck. "Deck" means a horizontal, unenclosed platform with or without attached <br />raiHnas. seats. trellises. or other features. attacbed or functionaHv related to a ÐlÌnciDal use or site <br />-.....----4;ioI-. ------;, -- -.---. ., --,., ,. '" ... <br /> <br />3 <br />