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<br />vegetatIon iUIU lUjJUf!S1Upu'y ~U a....'U¡¡;;V¡¡;; 'UAlUJUWU' ""I' ~~&'&"C .. "'U. U_h .. -... r----- .. _____. <br />The PubHc Works Director shall review all roads apd parking areas to ascertain they are <br />designed and constructed to minimize and control erosion to public waters. consistent <br />with the field office technical guides of the local soil and water conservation district, or <br />other appHcable technical materials and best management guidelines. <br /> <br />2) Roads, drivewàys, and parking areas shall meet structure setbacks (Section 18.045.2) and <br />shall not be placed within hlWtand mnÅ“ impact zones, when other reasonable and <br />feasible placement alternatives exist. If no alternatives exist. they may be placed within <br />these areas, and shall be designed to minimize adverse impacts. <br /> <br />3) Public and private watercraft, canoe rack storage. access ramps, approach roads, and <br />access-related parking areas may be placed within shore impact zones provided the <br />vegetative screening and erosion control conditions oftrus subpart are met. For private <br />facilities, the grading and filling provisions of Section 18.090 oftrus ordinance shall be <br />met. <br /> <br />18.055 Design criteria for Commercial, Industrial, Public, and Semipublic Uses in Shoreland <br />Areas. <br /> <br />18.055.1 Surface water-oriented commercia} uses and industrial, pub]ic. or sezrupubHc uses with <br />similar needs to have access to and use of public waters may be located on parcels or lots with <br />frontage on public waters. Those uses with water-oriented needs must meet impervious coverage <br />, limits, setbacks, and other zoning standards in this chapter. The uses shall also be designed to <br />incorporate topographic and vegetative screening of parking areas and structures. <br /> <br />:1 18.055.2 Uses and surface parking without water-oriented needs shaH be located on lots or <br /> <br />!II t... . 11' __~ _ __ ""-__ _-"_ _ _ __ ~.n.._ __-,-_..J ~_~ 1_-,-_ __~ ______1_ ___~_"t_ ____L'~_ ___~_______ <br />parcels W1tllOUt PUDUC waters rromage. or, II JOcatea on IQtS or parcels wno puom; waters <br />frontage, must be set back double the normal ordinary higÞ. water level setback and shall be <br />screened by 50% opaque or more screen iTom view fTom the water by vegetation or topography, <br />assuming summer, leaf-on conditions. <br /> <br />18.060 Notifications to the Department of Natural Re,ources <br /> <br />18.060.1 Copies of all notices of any public hearings to consider variances, ordinance <br />amendments, PUDs, or conditional uses affecting a MDNR designated shoreland district shall be <br />sent to the MnDNR. Division of Waters Regional Hydrologist and postmarked at least ten days <br />before the hearings. Notices of hearings to consider proposed subdivisions/plats shall include <br />copies of the subdivision/plat. <br /> <br />18.060.2 A copy of approved amendments and subdivisions/plats, and final decisions granting <br />variances, PUDs or conditional uses in a MDNR designated shoreland district shall be sent to the <br />MnDNR Division of Waters Regional Hydrologist and postmarked within ten days affinal <br />action. <br /> <br />16 <br />