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<br />18.080.4 Dedications. When an on-site ~10rm wluer ponumg a,¡çö Ii) 1~'iI,4U~U U) '" J.I!v)'......~ w <br />store surface water run off. the City may require easements over natural drainage or ponding <br />areas for future maintenance of stormwat~r and significant wetlands. <br /> <br />18.080.5 Platting. All subdivisions that create three or more lots or parcels that are 2·112 acres <br />. or Jess in size shall be processed as a plat 10 accordance wi~h Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505. <br />No permit for construction of buildings sball be issued for lots created after these official controls <br />were enacted unless the lot was approved as part of a formal subdivision. <br /> <br />'18.080.6 Controlled Access or Recreat~onal Lots. Lots intended as control1ed accesses to <br />public waters or for recreational use areas; used by nonriparian lots within a subdivision shall meet <br />. ror Þ"....i>Þ,¡ th.,. ¡ \'7\no I"o"'¡t.,."'¡~ \... ~.......t\",... 1 ~ ,l'I.ð./'\ ",t"t1.;" "hant.... <br />-.. _.,-._w-__ .....~ ..."'-......0 -...-...- ... ...,--...,.,... ..-,,,,,-,..., "".. .."~ -..aMt'.."""... <br /> <br />18.085 Planned Unit Development Requirements in ShorelantJ Areas <br /> <br />... 0 ^O~ 1 T.._"",.. _r DTrn'... DA.__:.....:L..- :' n,...___.,.l ...._:... .J.I"Ia."It.......I^__............. ./Dr mf.l'l\ .......6 ^u__.....t......,l :_ <br />",o.VO.,J..a ..., 1'~1t UI .a \,).1.1 òJ .. ¡p¡;, UUIti)IU'¡P¡;, C IQJIU~I.I UIIl~ u~vc¿VpU¿CJUIt \,.1' UJJ i:J) CU'" CU¿VVV~I,I UJ <br />shoreland areas for new projects on undeveloped land~ redevelopment of previously built sites, or <br />conversions of existing buildings and land, provided they comply with the requirements of this <br />section. <br /> <br />18.085.2 Processing of PUD's. Planned: unit developments shan be processed as a rez.oning, <br />subject to the procedures in Section 17. The total prc>ject density shall not exceed the allowable <br />densities calculated in the project density evaluation procedures in Section 18.085. Approval <br />cannot occur on any PUD until the state environmentai review process (EAW/EIS) when <br />,'required, is complete. <br /> <br />18.085.3 Application for a PUD. The applicant for 'a PUD must submit the application <br />documents lìsted in Section 17 of this co4e prior to review and final action being taken on the <br />application request. <br /> <br />18.085.4 Site "Suitable Area" Evaluat.ion. Proposed new or expansions to existing planned <br />unit developments within the overlay district shall be evaluated using the foUowing procedures <br />and standards to determine the "suitable ~rea" for the construction site of the development. The <br />suitable area shall be determined by exclµdìng from tþe project development area all wetlands, <br />hluff~ or land belnw the ordinarv hiah water level of nub lie waters. <br />-----...-" -- ------ - ---. ---- -- -··-··---rt . -W"-- ,-----. -- -- -- ~ --- -ur ----- <br /> <br />18.085.5 Residential PUD "Base" Density Evaluation: <br /> <br />The suitable area within each tier is divided by the sin&le r~sidentia11ot size standard for the <br />adjaéent Jake. Proposed locations and nÜmbers of dweIlíns units or sites for the residential <br />planned unit developments are then comAared with the suitability analyses herein and the City's <br />design criteria. '. <br /> <br />1) The maximum floor area coverage of the site shall be 30% for any residential P.U.D. <br /> <br />2) Including both existing and proposed units and sites. tbe inside buHding area sizes need <br />not inciuåe åecks, patios, stoops. ;steps. garages. or porches and basements, uniess they <br />are habitab1e space. <br /> <br />20 <br />