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<br />18.075.4 Existing decks. which meet the required setbacks and have had valid building permits, <br />may be enclosed as part of the structure. Deck extensions beyond and fi'om a non-confonning, <br />enclosed deck which would increase the non-conforming setbac~ shall not be pennitted. <br /> <br />18.080 Subdivision I Platting Provisions in Shoreland Areas <br /> <br />1R.ßRO.t J,gnd luitahilitv. F.ach tot crer.ted thrnuah ~ubdiv;Ainn inc1udina nlanned unit <br />- -...... -- -...- _.......-- - - --...-.......--- -11'" -_....-.. --... .....- .....-...--- ...--..... --g-- --- ......-. ...-.........-, --.....----.....g T------'" - ----. <br /> <br />deveJopments authorized under Sections 17 and 18.085 oftWs code. shan be suitable for the <br />proposed use as defined by the suitabiJity analysis. SuitabiJity analysis shall consider susceptibility <br />to flooding, existence of wetlands) soil and rock formations with severe limitations for <br />'"I.A.IA1^....fto'IA..... ~A'UA...A A....^t!'t^" .....^+..M.+:".1 ~+A...... +^"'^,...ta....1...., ft..:te.:tð.....a:..., ""Ç' "':h:t I£'A''l.lA'I'" a....rI 'Ir12tAr <br />",.,..Vll.ilV.PU.~j......, 1Ii1'.............."'" ~..V~I'U.I.& y"'.............aI) "",,"\¡,II'" ."'t'uð.....,U.J' uy.........u.u.J.'"J u.&. vn.] "'-.,......"-"... ......-.. n............' <br />near-shore aquatic conditions unsuitabJe for water-based recreation, important fish and wildlife <br />habitat, presence of significant historic sites. or any other feature of the natura} Jand JikeJy to be <br />harmful to the health, safety) or welfare of future residents of the proposed subdivision or of the <br />; co~unity. . <br /> <br />18.080.2 Consistency with other controls. Subdivisions shall confonn to all official controls of <br />tms communhy. A subdivision shaU not be approved where a later variance ITom one or more <br />standards in.official controls would be needed to use the lots for their intended purpose. Each lot <br />. shall meet the minimum lot size and dimensional requirements of Section 18.040 through 18.045. <br /> <br />18.080.3 Information requirements. Sufficient infonnation shall be submitted by the applicant <br />for the community to make a detennination ofland suitabiJity. The information shall include at <br />least the following: <br /> <br />1) <br /> <br />topographic contours at two-foot intervaJs or Jess from Roseville Public Works maps or <br />more accurate soutces, showing limiting site characteristics; <br /> <br />2) <br /> <br />the surface water features required in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02. subdivision 1, <br />to be shown on plats, obtained from United States Geological Survey quadrangle <br />topographic maps or more accurate sources; <br /> <br />3) <br /> <br />adequate soils information to determine suitability for building and public utilities for every <br />lot ftom the most current existing sources or from field investigations such as soiJ borings, <br />or other methods; <br /> <br />4) <br /> <br />infonnation regarding adequacy of domestk City water supply; extent of anticipated <br />vegetation and topographic alterations; near-shore aquatic conditions, including depths, <br />types of bottom sediments. and aquatic vegetation; and proposed methods for controlling <br />4 stormwater runoff and erosion, both during and after construction activities; <br /> <br />5) <br /> <br />.. ... ......1'\..... ... _ _~. t_!u ___ ~_ _~...:I ~_ _ .3______ --''!'_.L-.!_.L~ L1..._~ __~!_....!__ _ ~_~...._..J ______ <br />lOCatiOn Ot luu·year 11001.1 p¡am Meai iUlU Iluuuway W5mc~s U-UIU eXli1.lI1g auup1.CU Uli1plS <br />or data; and <br /> <br />6) <br /> <br />a tine or contour representing the ordinary high water level~ the "toe" and the "top" of <br />bluffs, and the minimum building setback distances iTom the top of the biuff and the jake <br />or stream. <br /> <br />19 <br />