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<br />and shall not be included in the computation of minimum open space); <br /> <br />2) open space shall include areas with physical characteristics unsuitable for development in <br />their natural state. and areas contaínina sianificant historic sites or unnlatted cemeterie!¡' <br />. ~ ...---- --~_._..""" g-- , -.... ..----. -~-------------.......-----, <br /> <br />3) open space may include outdoor recreational facilities for use by owners of dwelling units <br />or sites, by guests staying in commerical dwelling units or sites, and by the general public; <br /> <br />4) open space shall not include commercial facilities or uses, but may contain water-oriented <br />accessory structures or facilities; <br /> <br />C\ ."'.a ft.........a.II.I'I.......4 I"'t.~""......ão... ...._fto.....ð ""...___ :_....1.......1:__ ..__^_A_1...... ..1I___+...."':n._ ..._..1 ...11.-.......""'.....1..0"lIl'11...._.... <br />~ J ...... ~yr'...g.¡ "........ v.. vy...u .-:tyø\l\,; g.¡ çc¡O), UI\l'UUIU!5 ~vYI; !!)l øyuJ' , ..ç!5ç~ø~Jv,t, tLUU tLlJVW"VJ'" U¡)I;';), <br />shall be preserved by use ofrestrlctive deed covenants, permanent easements, public <br />dedication and acceptance, or other equally effective and pennanent means; and <br /> <br />6) the shore impact zone, based on normal structure setbacks, shal1 be included as open <br />space. For residential POO's, at least so percent of the shore impact zone area of existing <br />developments or at least 70 percent of the shore impact zone area of new developments <br />shaH be preserved in its natural or existing state. For commercial POD's, at least 50 <br />percent of the shore impact zone shaH be preserved in its natural state. <br /> <br />18.085.75 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management. Erosion control and stonnwater <br />management plans must be developed and the PUD shall be: <br /> <br />1) designed, and the construction managed, to minim,ize the likelihood of serious erosion <br />occurring "either during or after construction. This shall be accomplished by limiting the <br />amount and length of time of bare ground exposure. Temporary ground covers, sediment <br />entrapment facilities, vegetated buffer strips, or other appropriate techniques shall be used <br />to minimize ero~ion impacts on surface water features; and <br /> <br />. 2) designed and constructed to effectively manage re~sonably expected quantities and <br />qualities of stonnwater runoff Impervious surfac~ coverage within any tier must not <br />exceed 25 percent of the tier area, except that for commercial PUD's 35 percent <br />impervious surface coverage may be allowed in the first tier of general development lakes <br />with an RnnrOVp.n ~tormWßter mRnRaement nIan and con~i!iltencv with ~ection 1 R <br />.._--..........-- -rr-.... -...- ......--......-........-- --.-,......~-----..... r---- --" '..... -------.----,.1 ....-.- ---.---- --, <br /> <br />18.085.76 CentraHzation and Design qfFacilities. Centralization and design of facilities and <br />structures shall be done according to the I following standards: <br /> <br />1) planned unit developments shall be connected to publicly owned water supply and sewer <br />systems; <br /> <br />......, ~____''~__ _ ____~.L~ ~_ ~~....__ _"---_Ii L_ _1___...___..:1 :~...__ ___.... ....__ _....__ ___.~__ _.......... .._ __.1._-1 _~_ ___.!..._L-'~ <br />¿.j oweumg UIULS or suc:s :smuI UI:: "'I~:SLI;II;U IIILU vue: U~ mUle: ~LUUp:S WIU IUC/:iLe:U un ~UJLé1Ule <br />areas of the development. They shall be designed ~d located to meet or exceed the <br />following dimensional standards for the relevant sboreland classification: setback from the <br />ordinary high water level, elevation above the surface water features, and maximum <br />height Setbacks ftom the ordinary high water level shall be increased in a.ccordance with <br />Section 18.040 of this ordinance for developments with density increases; <br /> <br />22 <br />