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<br />3) shore recreation facilities, including but not limited to swinunittg areas, docks, and <br />watercraft mooring areas and launclúng ramps, shall be centralized and located in areas <br />suitable for them. Evaluation of suitability shall include consideration ofland slope, water <br />depth, vegetation. soils. depth to groundwater and bedrock, or other relevant factors. The <br />number of spaces provided for continuous beaching, mooring. or docking of watercraft <br />shall not exceed one for each allowable dwelling unit or site in the first tier - <br />(notwithstanding existing mooring sites in an existing commercially used harbor). <br /> <br />'I' ____1~·___ ____~__~;to '.'.'_ . 'II tot _ _ . 11 "'__"I t' _ .. ..' . _. . <br />Launcmng ramp IaClIItlCS. 10cluamg a OOCK lor 10a0108 ana unJoaamg equipment. may De <br />provided for use by occupants of dwelling units or sites located in other tiers; <br /> <br />4) structures, parking areas, and other facilities shall be treated to reduce visibility as viewed <br />from public waters and adjacent shorelands by vegetation, topography. increased setbacks, <br />color. or other means acceptable to the City. assuming summer, leaf-on conditions. <br />Vegetative and topographic shall be preserved. if existing, or may be required to <br />be provided; <br /> <br />5) accessory structures and facilities, except water oriented accessory structures. shaJ] meet <br />the required principal structure setback and must be centralized; and <br /> <br />6) water-oriented accessory structures and facilities may be allowed if they meêt or exceed <br />design standards contained in Section 18.041 of this code and are centralized. <br /> <br />18.090 Gradinrl. Fillinrl and Land Alteration <br />. -. pI 'g --. . ".-- - .--- - . . -- <br /> <br />18.090.1 No person. finn or corporation may engage in any excavation. grading, surfacing or <br />filling ofland in the City o~Rosevine without first securing a permit as set forth in this section. <br /> <br />18.090.2 A pernùt is required ftom the City EngineerlPublic Works Director or designate, for <br />any of the following specifications up to the limits specified in 18.092.3. below: <br /> <br />1) PJacement of or grading of more than 10 cubic yards of material on steep sJopes adjacent <br />to lakes and we~lands or within the shore or bluff impact zones. <br /> <br />2) Placement of or grading of more than SO cubic yards of earthen material any where in the <br />city. <br /> <br />3) Where fWing or grading occurs within 10 feet of a property line or when such activity <br />alters the drainage patterns of adjacent properties. <br /> <br />18.090.3 A pemùt ftom the City Council is required for any projects meeting the following <br />criteria. <br /> <br />1) Any fill. grading. or drainage of a public water or a wetland, provided the City Council <br />first determines that the project is either exempt trom the 1991 Wetlands Conservation <br />Act or certifies the replacement of any loss of wetland area, values and functions in <br />accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 8420. Questions relating to wetland type, <br />location, area, functions and values must be referred to the technical advisory panel <br />established by Minnesota Statutes Section 103G.2242. <br /> <br />23 <br />