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<br />designs using surface drainage, vegetation, and infUtration rather than buried pipes and <br />man~made materials and facilities. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />1 Q noc., C!+^...... Ul..,...... 1\.01...................,.. Q.......¡r... Q+.....orI....,...,. <br />...~.v......,..... ..........,. a,. .,., ......... ..."..........6""'........... J.J'.t'................ ...,..NIII-..U.øl ........ <br /> <br />1) Impervious surface coverage of a site shall not exceed 25 percent of the site area in a <br />shoreland or wetland overlay district unless storm water is conveyed to an approved , on- <br />site or regional stonn water ponding/retention facility designed to accommodate the <br />increased runoff prior to discharge trom the site into public waters or wetlands. <br /> <br />2) All proposed storm water facilities shall be reviewed the city engineer and certified for <br />compliance with Roseví1ie's Sulface Water Management Pian. <br /> <br />3) An commercial and industrial developments and redevelopments affecting more than 5 <br />acres orland and aU resjdentia} developments affecting more than 20 acres of land shall: <br /> <br />a) be served by storm water ponding facilities, on or off site, designed to remove a <br />minimum of90 percent of total suspended solids resulting ftom the runoffftom a I <br />inch rainfall event, and <br /> <br />b) within the development, provide for settling chambers, sumps, dry ponds or other <br />devices to provide for the filtering or settling offine sands prior to discharge into <br />the city's storm water system. <br /> <br />4) All private storm water facilities shall be maintained in proper condition consistent with <br />the performance standards for which they were originally designed. All settled materials <br />from ponds, sumps, grit chambers, and other devices, including settled solids, shall be <br />removed and properly disposed of on a five year interval. One to five year waivers trom <br />this requirement may be granted by the city engineer when the owner presents evidence <br />that the facility has additional capacity to remove settled solids in accordance with the <br />onu1n&1 dp.~\an ('.~madt\l <br />_..~n___ ----~-- --S-----J- <br /> <br />5) Upon adoption ofdús chapter, the city engineer shall inventory and maintain a data basis <br />for all private storm water faciHties requiring maintenance to assure compJiance with this <br />Section. <br /> <br />26 <br />