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<br />· ' <br /> <br />B. Deck additions may be allowed without a variance to a structure not meeting the required <br />setback ûom the ordinary high water level jf aU of the folJowjng criteria and standards are met: <br /> <br />(1) the structure existed on the date the structure setbacks were established; <br /> <br />(2) a thorough evaluation of the property and structure reveals no reasonable location for a <br />deck meeting or exceeding the existing ordinary high water level setback of the structure; <br />(3) the deck encroachment toward the ordinary high water level does not exceed 15 percent <br />of'the existing setback of the structure from the ordinary high water level or does not encroach <br />closer than 30 feet, whichever is more restrictive; and <br /> <br />(4) the deck is constructed primarily of wood) and is not roofed or screened. <br />(?) 11u cle.c.tç ~ V!c>1" be. tOJ\Vf....\«! +0 OM e.¥pCUA.-.ltM ~ tcu 1"'t~'S-(vodT.(.ve. <br /> <br />7.5 - Subdivision I Platting Provisions in Shoreland Areas <br /> <br />7.51 Land suitability. Each lot created through subdivision, including planned unit developments <br />authorized under Section _ of this ordinance, must be suitable in its natural state for the <br />proposed use with minimal alteration. SuitabHhy analysis by the local unit of government shall <br />consider susceptibility to flooding, existence of wetlands, soil and rock fonnations with severe <br />limitations for development, severe erosion potential, steep topography, availability of city sewer <br />and water, nearwshore aquatic conditions unsuitable for water-based recreation, important fish and <br />wildlife habitat, presence of significant historic sites, or any other feature of the natural land likely <br />to be harmful to the health, safety, or welfare of future residents of the proposed subdivision or of <br />the community. <br /> <br />7.52 Consistency with other controls. Subdivisions must conform to aU official controls of this <br />community. A subdivision will not be approved where a later variance from one or more <br />standards in official controls would be needed to use the lots for their intended purpose. Each lot <br />shan meet the minimum lot size and dimensional requirements of Section _. <br /> <br />7.53 Information requirements. Sufficient information must be submitted by the applicant for the <br />community to make a determination ofland suitability. The ínformation shaH include at least the <br />following: <br /> <br />(1\ <br />'Of <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />(3) <br /> <br />(4). <br /> <br />tnnnotllT'\hi,. f'nntnnrCl. lit tp.n-fnnt intp.rvAt'l. nr lp.'l.t;;, frnm T Jnitp.n ~tAtet;;, Geol()Qical Survey <br />'---"'--.0" -t"o I-- ..............._-...... -- ...-..- --,,","'" .............. r......._ ..... -....-- -.. -..-. -.....-........... ..---...........-... -.... ~-....c;l---"- - _.- <br /> . -./ <br /> <br />maps or more accurate sources, showing limiting site characteristics; . <br /> <br />the surface water features required in Minnesota Statutes, section 505.02, subdivision 1, <br />..L_ t... _ ..1- _ ___~_ __ ~I_..._ __L..._~__.JI ~___ T 1_:.........3 C'..._.......... ~,.,._1__:........' c.. ._........ ......._ ....I_....._~1ð. <br />LU Ut:: :muwn UII ¡.mus, UULi1l1U;:U l1UllI UJU~t:U "~'UCi) UC~UU¡:'I""U .,UI vcy "iUa.UJa.II~I\,i <br />topographic maps or more accurate sources; <br /> <br />:::t' ~ù"LÛ. Lc.-ht.hi, <br />adequate soils information to determine suitability for building iH e site st!wftg8-- <br />treitmeftt eftl'abiHtje¡..for every iot from the most current existing sources or from field <br />investigations such as soil borings, ptrealatiøs t8itit or other methods; <br /> <br />information regarding adequacy of domesti~ter supply; extent of anticipated vegetation <br />and topographic alterations; near-shore aquatic conditions, including depths, types of <br />bottom sediments, and aquatic vegetation; and proposed methods for controlling <br /> <br />BDS, 7/19/94 <br /> <br />19 <br />