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<br />(2) vegetation and topographic alteratiof1.s other than routine maintenance prohibited; <br /> <br />(3) construction of additional buildings or storage of vehicles and other materials <br />prohibited; and <br /> <br />(4) uncontroUed beaching of watercraft ~roJúbited. <br /> <br />v C. Development organization and functioning. ~J'Je3:) M\ CE \U\Uy etfee{Ì~·c. <br />C6fftffiW1ity tfðm8:-.verk is est8elisaee, '.,¡ReA ~flf'liea6le,~1 residential planned unit <br />developments must use an owners assocìatiQn with the following features: <br /> <br />( 1 ) membership must be mandatory for ¢ach dweUing unit or site purchaser and any <br />successive purchasers; <br /> <br />(2) each member must pay a pro rata sh~re of the association's expenses, and unpaid <br />assessments can become liens on units or sìtes~ <br /> <br />(3) assessments must be adjustable to a¢comrnodate changing conditions; and <br /> <br />(4) the association must be re~ponsible for insurance, taxes, and maintenance of all <br />commonlv owned nTOneTtv and facilities. <br />- . -. -- - --J - .. ,[" J- ',.F. " <br /> <br />7.71 Open Space Requirements. Planned unit dev~lopments must contain opèn space meeting all <br />of the following criteria: <br /> <br />(1) <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />(3) <br /> <br />(4) <br /> <br />BDS,7/19/94 <br /> <br />at least 50 percent of the t,ota1 proj~ct area must be preserved as open space; <br /> <br />dwel1íng units or sites, ro~d rights~qf-way, or land covered by road surfaces, <br />parking areas, or structures, exceptiwater-oriented accessory structures or <br />facilities, are developed areas and sþall not be included in the computation of <br />minimum open space; <br /> <br />open space must incJude areas with! physkal characteristics unsuitable for <br />development in their natural state, ~d areas containing significant historic sites or <br />unplatted cemeteries; <br /> <br />open space may include outdoor ricreational faci1íties for use by owners of <br />dwelling units or sites, by guests st¡tying in commerical dweUing units or sites, and <br />by the genera] pubJic; , <br /> <br />(5) <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />'6J38R apaƓ may ¡Adude ~\)51:!FÎ6ed se·....ft!,e trcfttmeøt systems ¡ft-Ae 1:!Be ðft1,e~ <br />, . g 'g g I. b <br />~ee Ii:. I ~Jtflsti to iFO\ a 'erg~ ¡¡¡¡pattE olt t e Eyetema-; <br />i <br /> <br />U:.\ <br />'y) <br /> <br />_____ ,.._"........ð ",,'II'IIIt'I+ _^t- :n",1nt4,a. ,.........-r¥I~.t:II...."....'a. +;I')"'11~ti:OQ n,.. HOO-C! hn't 'tY\~'U ~J"\t'\ta:;n <br />VP\;ij,1 ~pa\.l-\.i I,U"""" .l.JVL ............."",..,\ir .....V1J.UI{"............-w-I ."".....uJ."'......~ 1JJ. ....;.;:II""'ht,. -...,... "uWJ ......v....I.-""'.&u. <br />water-oriented accessory structur~s or facilities; <br /> <br />the appearance of open space area~, including topography, vegetation, and <br />allowable uses, must be preserved ¡by use of restrictive deed covenants, perma.nent <br /> <br />(7) <br /> <br />214 <br />I <br />