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<br />easements, public dedication and acceptance, or other equally effective and <br />permanent means; and <br /> <br />(8) the shore impact zone, based on normal structure setbacks, must be included as <br />ooen snace. For residential POOlS. at least 50 nercent of the shore imnact zone <br />-.r ,("0.-.. .., ... -. -;I" ----. ..--_.. - - I <br /> <br />area of existing deve]op.ments or at least 70 percent of the shore impact zone area <br />of new developments must be preserved in its natural or existing state. For <br />commercial POO's, at least 50 percent of the shore impact zone must be preserved <br />in its natural state. <br /> <br />7.72 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management. Erosion control and stormwater <br />management plans must be developed and the PUD must: <br /> <br />( 1) be designed, and the construction managed, to minimize the likelihood of serious <br />erosion occurring either during or after construction. This must be accomplished <br />by limiting the amount and length oftirne of bare ground exposure. Temporary <br />ground covers, sediment entrapment facilities, vegetated buffer strips, or other <br />appropriate techniques must be used to minimize erosion impacts on surface water <br />features; and <br /> <br />(2) be designed and constructed to effectively manage reasonably expected quantities <br />and qualities of stormwater runoff. Impervious surface coverage within any tier <br />must not exceed 25 percent of the tier area, except that for commercial PUD's 3S <br />I'Iprl',p."t ;mnp.rvin11l:, ~lIrf!!('P. C".nvp.r!:lO'p. m!:lv hp. ~llnwp.ct in thp. fir~t tip.r of general <br />r-- --... -'-'1"-- ..- -- --. .--- -- . -- -1;)- "'-J -- --.- .. -- on .--- _n -. ..-- -- f;;)_n_. n' <br /> <br />development lakes with an approved stormwater management plan and consistency <br />with Section <br /> <br />7.73 Centralization and Design of Facilities. Centralization and design of facilities and structures <br />must be done according t¡, the following standards: <br /> <br />(1) planned unit developments must be connected to publicly owned water supply and <br />sewer systems; <br /> <br />(2) dwemng units or sites must be clustered into one or more groups and located on <br />suitable areas ofthe development. They must be designed and located to meet or <br />exceed the following dimensional standards for the relevant shoreland <br />classification: setback :trom the ordinary high water level, elevation above the <br />surface water features, and maximum height. Setbacks from the ordinary high <br />water level must be increased in accordance with Section of this ordinance <br />for developments with density increases; <br /> <br />(3) shore recreation facilities, including but not limited to swimming areas, docks, and <br />watercraft mooring areas and launching ramps, must be centralized and located in <br />areas suitable for them. Evaluation of suitability must include consideration of <br />land slope, water depth, vegetation, soils, depth to groundwater and bedrock, or <br />other relevant factors. The number of spaces provided for continuous beaching, <br /> <br />. t..". I"'I\.'.L ~_ ____I __. J"'t__ ___,. _lt~____L'_ <br />moonng, or aocKlng or watercran mus¡: no¡: exceeo one lor eacn auowauƓ <br />dwelling unit or site in the first tjer (notwithstanding existing mooring sites in an <br />existing commercially used harbor). Launching ramp facilities, including a small <br /> <br />DDS, 7/19/94 25 <br />