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63. What nuisances does the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......Oo <br />need to do a better job of MESSY YARDS............41% <br />enforcing? RUNDOWN HOMES..........250 <br />JUNK CARS ..............160 <br />LOOSE ANIMALS..........190 <br />The City of Roseville offers a housing program for residential <br />home improvements. <br />64. Prior to this survey, were you <br />aware of this housing program? <br />YES ....................550 <br />NO .....................45% <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......Oo <br />The City also sponsors free home and garden workshops each <br />February and fall. <br />65. Were you aware of these workshops? YES ....................560 <br />NO .....................440 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......Oo <br />Turning to the issue of public safety in the community.... <br />I would like to read you a short list of public safety concerns. <br />66. Please tell me which one you consider to be the greatest <br />concern in Roseville? If you feel that none of these prob- <br />lems are serious in Roseville, just say so. <br />FIRST <br />Violent crime ..................................20 <br />Drugs.........................................130 <br />Youth crimes and vandalism ....................210 <br />Break-ins and theft from automobiles..........11o <br />Business crimes, such as shop- <br />lifting and check fraud ...................60 <br />Residential crimes, such as <br />burglary, and theft ......................100 <br />Traffic speeding ..............................12% <br />Identity theft .................................30 <br />ALL EQUALLY ....................................60 <br />NONE OF THE ABOVE .............................140 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .............................30 <br />