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67. How would you rate the amount of <br />patrolling the Roseville Police <br />Department does in your neighbor- <br />hood -- would you say they do too <br />much, about the right amount, or <br />not enough? <br />Changing topics... <br />TOO MUCH ................30 <br />ABOUT RIGHT AMOUNT.....910 <br />NOT ENOUGH ..............50 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......lo <br />I would like to read you a list of characteristics of a community. <br />For each one, please tell me if you think Roseville currently has <br />too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right <br />amount. <br />68. Affordable rental units? <br />69. Market rate rental units? <br />70. Condominiums and townhomes? <br />71. Starter homes for young families? <br />72. "Move up" housing? <br />73. Higher cost housing? <br />74. Assisted living for seniors? <br />75. Parks and open spaces? <br />76. Trails and bikeways? <br />77. Service and retail establish- <br />ments? <br />78. Entertainment and dining oppor- <br />tunities? <br />79. If you were going to move from <br />your current home for upgrading, <br />how committed would you be to stay <br />in Roseville -- very committed, <br />somewhat committed, not too com- <br />mitted or not at all committed? <br />MANY FEW/ ABT DK/ <br />/MCH LITT RGHT REFD <br />210 <br />120 <br />100 <br />30 <br />110 <br />160 <br />50 <br />90 <br />90 <br />24 0 <br />170 <br />80 <br />300 <br />130 <br />10% <br />28% <br />6% <br />80 <br />l00 13% <br />50 170 <br />530 <br />62 0 <br />77 0 <br />61% <br />690 <br />68 0 <br />57% <br />850 <br />82 0 <br />2% <br />10% <br />5% <br />6% <br />70 <br />7% <br />10% <br />1% <br />1% <br />77% lo <br />78o Oo <br />VERY COMMITTED.........46% <br />SOMEWHAT COMMITTED.....42% <br />NOT TOO COMMITTED.......5% <br />NOT AT ALL COMMITTED....40 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......4% <br />80. And, if you were going to move VERY COMMITTED.........420 <br />from your current home for down- SOMEWHAT COMMITTED.....450 <br />sizing, how committed would you be NOT T00 COMMITTED.......60 <br />to stay in Roseville -- very com- NOT AT ALL COMMITTED....30 <br />mitted, somewhat committed, not DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......40 <br />too committed, or not at all <br />committed? <br />IF ��NOT T00 COMMITTED" OR ��NOT AT ALL COMMITTED IN QUESTIONS <br />#79 OR #80, ASK: (n=40) <br />