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5. What do you think is the most <br />serious issue facing Roseville <br />today? <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......50 <br />NOTHING ................240 <br />HIGH TAXES .............130 <br />RISING CRIME...........130 <br />POOR CITY SPENDING......50 <br />LACK OF JOBS/BUSINESS...2o <br />AGING POPULATION.......11o <br />AGING INFRASTRUCTURE....70 <br />STREET REPAIR..........120 <br />SCATTERED ...............80 <br />6. All in all, do you think things in RIGHT DIRECTION........930 <br />Roseville are generally headed in WRONG TRACK .............50 <br />the right direction, or do you DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......30 <br />feel things are off on the wrong <br />track? <br />IF "WRONG TRACK," ASK: (n=18) <br />7. Please tell me why you feel <br />things have gotten off on <br />the wrong track? <br />8. How would you rate the sense of <br />community identity among residents <br />in Roseville -- would you say it <br />is very strong, somewhat strong, <br />not too strong, or not at all <br />strong? <br />9. Please tell me which of the fol- <br />lowing do you feel the closest <br />connection to -- the City of <br />Roseville as a whole, your neigh- <br />borhood, your School District or <br />something else? (IF "SOMETHING <br />ELSE," ASK:) What would that be? <br />10. Do you feel accepted in the City <br />of Roseville? <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......6% <br />HIGH TAXES .............170 <br />POOR CITY SPENDING.....11o <br />STREET REPAIR...........60 <br />RISING CRIME...........220 <br />GROWING DIVERSITY......170 <br />CITY PLANNING..........11% <br />TOO MUCH RETAIL........11o <br />VERY STRONG............340 <br />SOMEWHAT STRONG........570 <br />NOT TOO STRONG..........8% <br />NOT AT ALL STRONG.......0% <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......20 <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE......21% <br />NEIGHBORHOOD...........510 <br />SCHOOL DISTRICT.........90 <br />CHURCH ..................60 <br />WORKPLACE ...............40 <br />FAMILY/FRIENDS..........90 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......lo <br />YES ....................98% <br />NO......................10 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......20 <br />