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IF ��NO," ASK: (n=3) <br />11. Why do you feel that way? <br />DON'T KNOW NEIGHBORS, 330; UNFRIENDLY PEOPLE, 670. <br />Let's spend a few minutes discussing the future of the City of <br />Roseville. <br />12. When thinking about a city's DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......lo <br />quality of life, what do you think SAFETY .................32% <br />is the most important aspect of SENSE OF COMMUNITY.....150 <br />that quality? GOOD SCHOOLS...........170 <br />UPKEEP OF CITY.........140 <br />OPEN SPACE/NATURE.......60 <br />PARKS/RECREATION........30 <br />UPKEEP OF HOUSING.......20 <br />QUIET AND PEACEFUL.....100 <br />SCATTERED ...............lo <br />13. What aspects, if any, of the com- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5% <br />munity should be fixed or improved NOTHING ................29% <br />in the future? LOWER TAXES............150 <br />BETTER ROADS...........260 <br />MORE JOBS ...............50 <br />MORE PUBLIC TRANSIT.....6% <br />MORE SENIOR HOUSING.....40 <br />LESS AFFORDABLE HOUSING.3o <br />SIDEWALKS ...............20 <br />SCATTERED ...............50 <br />14. What, if anything, is currently DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......6% <br />missing from the City of Roseville NOTHING ................53% <br />which, if present, would greatly MORE PUBLIC TRANSIT....10% <br />improve the quality of life for MORE JOBS ...............70 <br />residents? MORE ENTERTAINMENT......90 <br />MORE AFFORDABLE <br />HOUSING...........110 <br />SIDEWALKS ...............2% <br />SCATTERED ...............20 <br />I would like to read a list of characteristics others have <br />mentioned that indicate a city has a high quality of life. <br />15. Please tell me which one you think is most important for a <br />city to have? (ROTATE AND READ LIST) <br />