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16. Which is second most important? (RE-READ LIST; OMITTING FIRST <br />CHOICE) <br />17. Which is least important? (RE-READ LIST; OMITTING FIRST TWO <br />CHOICES) <br />MOST SEC LST <br />HIGH PROPERTY VALUES .......................30.....40....18% <br />WELL MAINTAINED PROPERTIES ................11o....16%.....70 <br />LOW PROPERTY TAXES .........................70....12%.....70 <br />LOW CRIME RATE ............................320....19%.....50 <br />GOOD SCHOOL SYSTEM ........................340....190.....3% <br />VARIETY OF SHOPPING OPPORTUNITIES..........20.....50....15% <br />VARIETY OF PARK AND RECREATION <br />OPPORTUNITIES .........................lo.....60.....30 <br />JOB OPPORTUNITIES ..........................40....120.....8% <br />COMMUNITY EVENTS AND FESTIVALS .............Oo.....20....160 <br />SENSE OF COMMUNITY .........................60.....5%....100 <br />ELSE .......................................lo.....lo.....30 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .........................Oo.....00.....6% <br />Let's discuss recreational opportunities in the community.... <br />18. How would you rate park and rec- EXCELLENT ..............36% <br />reational facilities in Roseville GOOD ...................620 <br />-- excellent, good, only fair, or ONLY FAIR ...............20 <br />poor? POOR ....................Oo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......lo <br />19. Which Roseville recreation facile- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......Oo <br />ties, if any, do you or members of NONE ...................30% <br />your household use most TRAILS .................360 <br />frequently? NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS.....250 <br />ATHLETIC FIELDS.........90 <br />SCATTERED ...............lo <br />20. How would you rate the upkeep and EXCELLENT ..............350 <br />maintenance of Roseville City GOOD ...................600 <br />Parks -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR ...............30 <br />fair, or poor? POOR ....................Oo <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......20 <br />21. In the past year, have you or any YES ....................41% <br />members of this household partici- NO .....................59% <br />pated in any city-sponsored park DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......1% <br />and recreation programs? <br />