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<br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTI,CE <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , <br />Notice Is hereby glve~ that the City Council ,of the City of Rosevllle will meet at Rosevllle City <br />Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, o~,Monday, April 10, 1996, at 1:30 p,m" for fhe purpose of oon. 1 <br />siderlng Ihe following request; I. " <br />Independent Sohool Dlstrlot #623 request for fln.1 plet .pproval of planned u~lt development <br />oonslstlng of 60 townhomss and 79 single family Iota on land gener~lIy ,bounde~ by Dale on the <br />weet and South Owasso Blvd. to the north aM Western Avenue to the eest., l' . <br />I.,EGAI., DESCRIPTION:' ' <br />'Th.t pert of the Northwest QUarter of the SouthweSt Quarter {NW v. of SW:v.) of'Seotlon One <br />(1), Township Twenty-nine (29). Range Twenty.three (23), eccordlng to Governmenl Survey Ihereof, , <br />lying southeast of the Northern PaolflO Reilway right of way, exoeptlng lherelrom that part thereol . <br />conveyed to Thomas a. Benson .nd Mary M. Benso~ by Warra~1y DSed datod September 12, J <br />1949, .~d recorded In the'office 01 the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Mlnnesotalon the, <br />6th day of Ootober 19491n Book 131801 Deeds page 431, and also excepting therefrom Ihe South i <br />Querter of said Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter' (S 'I. ,01 NW V. of SW 'I.) of Seotlo~ ~ <br />One (1), Township Twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty-tllree (23) which fs now pJa>>ed JlljNorth Dale) <br />park, and also excepting therefrom the North 460 leat 01 the Eaet one~half (E '/2) of seld North- , <br />,wast Quarter ot the Soulhwest Quarter (NW '/4 of SW '/4) Seotlon One (1), Township Twenty-nine! <br />(29) Range Twenty-Ihree (23). , ' , <br />Beginning et the Northeast oorner oOhe Northwest quarter (NW 'I.) pf Ihe Nortllwest qUarter' <br />(NW v.) of tho Southwest quarter (SW '/4) 01 Seotlon 1, Township 29, Rango 23 the~oe,south <br />elong the east line 01 the Northwest quarter of the Northweet quarter of the Southwest quarter <br />of said Section 1, Township 29, Rangs 23, a distance of 396 leat; thance west parallsl to the <br />, north line of the Southwest quarter of said Seotlon 1, Township 29, Range 23, a dlatance of the' <br />148 leet; thence southwesterly to a point on the east line of Dale Street distant 458 feet south <br />01 the north line 01 the Southwest quarter of said Seotlon 1. Town~hlp 29, Range 23, thence west, <br />to the center line 0' Dale Straet, thence north along said ce~ter line to an InterseOllon with the' <br />southeasterly right of way fine 01 Northel)1 PaolNo l'ial!wayOompany, thence ~rtheasterlY alcng <br />ssld rlght-ol,waY line 10 an Intersection with sald north line 01, Southwelll,quarter, thenoe esst <br />along said North line to the point of beginning, except alllharpart'lhereol tying west 01 a line <br />funning parallel to anq distant 231 feet 'east of seld center line on Dele Street, aocordlng to l11.e <br />United States Govarnment Survey thereof. , <br />I Beginning at the Northeast cornsr of the Northweat quartsr (NW '4) of the Northwest quarter <br />'(NW v.) of the Southwest quarter (SW v..J 01 Section 1, Township 29, Range 23; thence GOuth <br />I along the east line 01 the Northwest quarter 01 the Northwest quarter of tile Southwest quarter <br />of said Section 1, Township 29, Range 23.l a distance of 325 feet, thence west parallel to the <br />f north line 01 tire Southwaai quar(er of sRld section 1 ,"Township 29; lIIange 2'3. a dlstll.r\~ of 148 <br />me!,.tMJlCIJiouthwf1!llsfIY jO ~ pOI'lt ~o,n, tl1._eu\JJna 01 Da!a SIr1lel dIlltrtL-.r..\JI!1)JI!!J!t II).. " <br />, north line 01 the SouthweSI quarter 01 laid Bectlon 1, Township '29, ASn"e 23, thence wesllo , <br />I the oenter line 01 Dale Str"t, thence north along ssld center fine to an'lnterseotion wUh the I <br />IOUthtssttny rl9ht;of-way line of Northern Pacific Railway Company; Ihence northeutsrfy Jlll'ng : <br />,said rlghl-ol-Way line to an l)1te,..ctlon with tald north line of Bouthwest QUertlr, Ihenca I/ast <br />aleng hi!! n~rth line to"thapQlnt 01 beginning, aKcept all that part the,eeflylng,e..t 01. line runn- , <br />,Ing.parallet to and distant 231 fe'et east of said center line of Dale Street. aocordlng to the United <br />i StalsS Governmsnt Survey thereof, ' <br />I Lot slKleen (16), A.K, Barrum'e Garden Lots, aocordlng to the plat thereof On flIe and of reoord <br />, In the office of Ihe Register of Deeds In and, lor Ramsey County, Minnesota. ' <br />i AIIO, that pert of the SoutheaBl qusrter (SE 'I.) of Ihe Northwest quarter of Sectlon,1 In Townsnlp : <br />',~g, Range 23 desorlbed as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner pf said SE V4 of NW <br />IV., which point Is located 1301,03 feet east of the southwest oorner of said NW 'I., thenoe North I <br />'0 degrees 7 'I. feet East a dlstancs of 1003.79 feet to e pol~t on the southeasterly rlght-of.way I <br />line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence North 45 degrees 33 feet 43 Inohes Esst <br />parallel 10 said rlght.oj.way line a distance of 452.22 feet to the north line of said SE 'I. of NW. I <br />v.; thence North 69 degrees 50 leet 30 Inches sast elong said north line a dlsta~oe of 107,16 ' <br />1.I~~t to a polnl;: thsnge south 0 degrees 15 feet West a distance of 1320.49 feet to ihe south line , <br />pjf8ald S,S 'I. 01 NW 'I.: thenoe West along said South line 425.47 f,set to beginning, exospt that <br />" eald SI!: 'I. of the NW 'I. described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of <br />, 'I. of the NW 'I. which point Is looated 1301.03 feet east of tho southwest corner of said <br />,', ,thenoe North 0 degrees 7 '/2 leet East a dlstenge of'1003.19 feet to a point on the <br />.' southessterly rlghl-ot-way IIns of the Northern Paolflc Railway Company; thence North 45 ~egrees <br />, 33 feet 43 Inches East parallel to said rlght-ol-way line a ctlstanQe of 252.22 feet to the point of <br />beginning; tllsnoe oonllnulng along afore-said line a distance pf 200 feet to the north lins 01 said <br />SE' 'I. ollhe NW 'I., thenc. North 88 degrees 59 feet 30 Inches East along aald North line a <br />dlSlSno, of 107.16 leel to ~ point; thenca South O'degrees 15 feet West s dl.ta~oe of 215,79 <br />leet; thenoe South 58 degrees 26 feet 13 Inches West a distance 01127.86 feet; thence North <br />44 degrees 27 leet 17 Inohes WeSt a dlstanos of 200' feet to the point of beginning, excepting <br />from the foregoing desorlptlon the 10110wlng described property: All thaI part of Lot sixteen (t6), <br />AK Barnum's Gsrdsn Lots desorlbed ss foflows: Commsnolng at the'most Northerly corner of <br />said tOlslxteen (16), thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of said Lot sixteen (16), <br />, begin the Southsasterly line 01 the Northern Pacific Rallwsy rlghl.of.way, a dlstanoe of 667.76 <br />leet to Ihe ""Int 01 beginning of the parcel herewith described; thence Southeasterly al right angles <br />a dlttance of 200 feet, thenoe Southweslerly at right angles a distance of 120 feet thenoe North- <br />westerly at righi angles a distance of 200 feet, the~ce Northeasterly at right angles a distance <br />of 120 teet to the beginning. ,', <br />The Soulh 5931eet of Ihet part of the Southeast Quarter (SE'l.) Of the Northwesl Quarter (NW <br />'/4) of Seotlon One (1), Township Twenty.nlne (29), Range Twenty.three (23), except the West <br />32 aoree, thereof. <br />That part of the Southesst Quarter (SE 'I.) of Ihe Northwest Qua,rter (NW v.) of Section One <br />(1), Township 1wsnty'nlne (29), Range Twenty-thres (23), eKcept the West 32 aores thereof and <br />eKcept the South 648 feet thereof. I <br />The Nollh 480 leel of 'he Northeasl Quarterof the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Ouarte, <br />(NE 'I., NW 'I., SW v.) iJf Section One (1), ToWnship Twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty-three (23), <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota. ' <br />Lot 11, Bleck 1, Owe.sodale. <br />~ots 1,2, 3, Block 1, Kalin, AcIdltlon, <br />Lot 7, Blook 1, North Dale Park, , <br />LoI1D, Block 1, e~cepl the Souih 107 feet.thereci, North Dale Park. <br /> <br />'EillJJUJJJ~ru h I~rt@v <br />, <br />.,,'1."'..., "". <br /> <br />. _fH!!~liIi\" <br />11111.' . <br /> <br />(Rosevllle Review: March 28, 1995) <br />