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<br />\I.:J.rUO,VU .LU...." <br /> <br />~u....,.. 4I.IIU. VV..,.-. <br /> <br />---, _.~~. <br /> <br />1)/\1--11 ,( ~RI ~N <br />S f--If\Rl)L()W <br />i \I\ 1) . t.) I )/\I'-J <br /> <br />INCORPUIlIo.TEt: <br /> <br />The RoseviUe Plaunina Conunisaion <br />0/0 Keith W.ietedd. Cl\pirmlD <br />2660 Civic Cea.ter Drive <br />Rosevillc. Mi~ 55113 <br /> <br />CONSULTING PLANNBR.S <br />LANDSCAPE ARCHlTE.CTS <br />300 flR"<>1" AVE;.(Uii. l'.ORTH <br />SUITF. 210 <br />M1NNE.APOLlS, MN 55401 <br />6J,.33j)'330D <br /> <br />March 8. 1995 <br /> <br />BE: Jnclependcoi Sdtoo1 District #623 POD Design Framework Status <br /> <br />Dear Chairman Wietecki 8Dd Cn~ission Mcmbcn; <br /> <br />Since recoivingtbc City Council.s appt'OVB1 oftbe Planned UnitDeveloproent zoning, Concept p~ and preliminary Plat <br />approval cnFebraaty 27 we ~ bec:nw,ry busy almmy frmts. The enviroomental investisa1iOns and site .. on <br />process is uitically impotbu1t since this information dirc:ct1y affects d1e srading plans, whiDh in turn affect n of die <br />other construction drawings. <br /> <br />We have completed some additbud soil borioas and a ~ mcmitoring well has been installed since we last met <br />with the Commission. I am happy to report that aU four ofthc ~orings -taken within 30 ft. of the boringtJ\at 1uded <br />contnrnioation. 0lU110 up moon. The ground water well also indioated that the ground water is over 40 ft b low the <br />eontaminated soil. This is very aood DCWS. <br /> <br />We have enroUed tho site in the Minnesota Pollution Control A.gency's Voluntary Investigation and Cleanu (VIe) <br />program. A medina is schedu1ed with tJ1e VIC program. staff OIl March 16 w review the investigation lUte! . eal <br />snaJysis:findin8S and dewlap If stratogy.for mnovingtbe ~ination from the site during the construWOD IOCCSS. <br /> <br />On am design 1hunework and ooatinuity front, we have held meetings with the builders and hI1~ worked with em to <br />select compatible exterior building materials. We havo also retained GaUls Vainikka. a graphic artist. ializes: .. <br />in project identity work. ReI has dDvo1oped a working logo for the overall project) a uni:6ed system of names a cIrn.ft ~ <br />signage system that would tie aD of the project subarellB topber. We bave also refined the proposed landscape Ian for <br />dlC develapmeat and have reinforced features to augment a SODSe ot arrival, scn:cn negative fellUU'es and suppo design <br />continuity. <br /> <br />While all of these efforts are moving in tho right direction, the buikbs have not yet signed off on the fi es and <br />rcquiremcPts _ ~ 1hem. We a1so recognize: that the who1o identity systomnceds more ~t. There re, we <br />. ,think it is best to wait lUllil. your Apri112 meetina' to present this information to the Plwurln, Commission. is still <br />several months bct'oro these decisions will really havo to be finaJi~ and we think that by waitiag one :month will <br />be in a position 10 ful1y address the important questions that the Planning Commission has raised. <br /> <br />, . <br />Thank you for your eo.nsidention oftbis request We look forward to meeting with you. oJ.\. Aprll12. <br />Sincerely. <br />DAHLGREN, SHARDLOW, &; UBAN,INC. <br /> <br />