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of the replacement trees which are alive and healthy at the end of such year. Any portion of the <br />security not entitled to be released at the end of the year shall be maintained and shall secure the <br />Developer's obligation to remove and replant replacement trees which are not alive or are <br />unhealthy at the end of such year and to replant missing trees. Upon completion of the replanting <br />of such trees the entire security may be released. <br />2. Development or Redevelopment of Existing Lots: The developer shall provide a cash escrow in the <br />amount of $500.00 to guarantee compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance. Said security <br />shall be released upon certification of compliance by the developer to the satisfaction of the City. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, no portion of the security shall be released while there are unsatisfied <br />Developer's obligations to indemnify the City for any expenses in enforcing this requirement. <br />3. The City may retain from the security required above as reimbursement an amount expended by the <br />City to enforce the provisions of this Section. <br />J. Entry on Private Property and Interference with Inspection: The Community Development Department <br />may enter upon private premises at any reasonable time for the purposes of enforcing the regulations set <br />forth in this Section. No person shall unreasonably hinder, prevent, delay, or interfere with the <br />Community Development Department while engaged in the enforcement of this Section. <br />1011.05 Lot Controls in All Districts: <br />A. Purpose: Lot controls are established to provide for the orderly development and use of land, and to <br />provide for adequate light, air, open space, and separation of uses. <br />B. Use of Lots: All lots shall be used in a manner consistent with the requirements of this Title and the <br />zoning district in which the property is located. No part of any existing lot shall be used as a separate lot <br />or for the use of another lot, except as may be otherwise provided in the City Code. <br />C. Lots of Record: <br />1. A lot of record shall be deemed a buildable lot provided it has frontage on a public right-of-way and <br />meets the setback and size requirements for the district in which it is located. <br />2. Exception: An LDR-zoned lot of record as of January 1, 2011, which does not meet the requirements <br />of this Title as to area or width, may be utilized for one -family detached dwelling purposes provided <br />the measurements of such lot meets 100% of the front yard, side yard and rear yard setback <br />requirements for the district in which it is located and at least 60% of the minimum lot area and lot <br />width requirements for the district in which it is located. <br />D. Principal Buildings in LDR Districts: No LDR-zoned lot shall include more than 1 principal building. <br />E. Principal Buildings in Non-LDR Districts: Lots in non-LDR districts may include more than 1 principal <br />building, provided each building meets all of the requirements, including setbacks, of the district in <br />which it is located. <br />F. Required Yards: Yard requirements shall be as specified for the zoning district in which the lot is <br />located. <br />G. Yard Encroachments: The following improvements shall not be considered as encroachments into <br />required yards, provided they conform to the pertinent limitations. <br />1. Cornices, canopies, awnings, eaves, gutters, bay windows, and other ornamental features which do <br />not extend more than 3 feet into the required yard. <br />2. Chimneys, air conditioning units, fire escapes, uncovered stairs, ramps, and necessary landings which <br />do not extend more than 3 feet into the required yard. <br />3. Terraces, steps, uncovered porches and patios, decks, stoops, or similar features which do not extend <br />above the height of the ground floor level of the principal structure or to a distance less than 2 feet <br />from any lot line. Notwithstanding this requirement, patios shall not be less than 10 feet from a street <br />right-of-way. <br />4. Fences constructed and maintained in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Title. <br />1011.06 Visibility Triangles in All Districts: <br />