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Purpose This section is intended to define and regulate areas around street intersections for the purpose <br />of preserving adequate sight lines for the safety ofmot nsts, cyclists, and pedestrians passing through <br />the intersections . Visibility triangles are described by locating Points A B, and C as instructed in this <br />Semon and connecting these points with straight lines. <br />Applicability. Although the visibility triangles described in this section at least partially overlap land in <br />the public right bf-way, the requirements of this section apply only to the privately owned property (i e, <br />land which is not in the public right bf-way) that lies within a visibility triangle <br />Definitions: The following words and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings <br />respectively ascribed to them: <br />1. Street X At an intersection, Street X is the street of higher classification or, if intersecting streets are <br />of equal classification, the primary street as determined by the Community Development Department. <br />2. Street Y. At an intersection, Street Y is the street of lower classification or, if intersecting streets are <br />of equal classification, the street which is not determined by the Community Development <br />Department to be the primary st eet <br />3. Width of Street The distance in feet measured from back of curb to back of curb or, in the absence <br />of a curb, the distance measured perpendicularly from the edge of the paving surface to the opposite <br />edge of the paving surface <br />Parcels Zoned LowDensityResidential. The visibility triangle fora street intersection adjacent to an <br />CDRzonedparcel shall be described as follows. <br />1. PointA. Located by extending the curb lines (or pavement edges where there are no curbs) of Streets <br />X and Y toward the intersection until the curb lines meet. <br />2. PointB. Located on the curb line of Street Y 45 feet from Point A <br />3. Point C Located on the curb line of StreetX 45 feet from Point A <br />Parcels Not Zoned LowDensityResidential. The regulations in this section shall apply to all private <br />property, can eptCDR -zoned property, within visibility mangles. <br />1. Controlled Steet&rtersections: <br />a Four way Stop or Traffic Control Signal The visibility triangle for a four way stop or traffic <br />signal controlled intersection shall be desmbed as follows: <br />PointA. Located at the intersection of the centerlines of Streets X and Y. <br />ii. PointB. Located on the center line of Steel Y at a distance from Point A equal to tY times <br />the avenge of the widths of Street X and Y. <br />3 <br />Distance from Point A to Point D = 4(widtA of Street X+widtA°f Street i7 <br />in Point C Located on the centerline of Steel ata distance from Point A equal to tY times <br />the avenge of the widths of Streets X and Y. <br />3 <br />Distance from Point D to Point C = 4(widtA of Street X+widtA°f Street i7 <br />It Three -way Stop : The visibility triangle for athree -way stop at a Tintersection shall be described <br />the same as for the fouo-way stop. <br />c Two -way Stop : The visibility triangle for a two- way stop controlled intersection shall be <br />the scrib ed as follows (Street Y has stop controk <br />PointA. Located at the intersection of the centerlines of Streets X and Y. <br />ii. PointB. Located on the centerline of Steel Y at a distance from Point A equal to halfthe <br />width of Street plus 15 feet. <br />Distance from Point A to Point D = PO1dtl°fStreet X)+ 15 feet <br />l <br />in Point C Located on the centerline of StreetX ata distance in beetfrom Point given by <br />Table 10114 according to the speed limit and widen of StreetX. <br />