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Last modified
7/17/2014 4:21:13 PM
Creation date
7/17/2014 4:18:08 PM
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Public Works Commission
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80 At the request of Chair Stenlund, Mr. Culver confirmed that there would still be a <br />81 filtration swale in place before the corrugated pipe chamber system; with work <br />82 anticipated in mid to late July. <br />83 <br />84 At the request of Chair Stenlund, Mr. Schwartz advised that, based on studies, <br />85 aggregate chips can be removed the day after sealcoating as there appeared to be <br />86 no benefit in leaving excess loose material on any longer, as it actually dislodges <br />87 some of the bonded material. Mr. Schwartz also confirmed that excess material <br />88 was reused. <br />89 <br />90 In addition to written project updates, Mr. Schwartz reported that at their meeting <br />91 the previous evening, the City Council approved a turn back agreement with <br />92 Ramsey County for County Road B west of Cleveland; with action pending with <br />93 Ramsey County Board of Commissioners in July, and construction of the <br />94 pedestrian shoulder on County Road B scheduled to begin in late July, after that <br />95 final approval of the agreement by the Board of Commissioners. <br />96 <br />97 Member Gjerdingen requested more coordination with Metro Transit regarding <br />98 issues on the Snelling Av ue BRT project, especially aesthetics issu around <br />99 the stations (e.g. trash a ecycling receptacles). Member Gj erdinge opined <br />100 that Metro Transit represe atives were vague in their willingness to work with <br />101 other parties, but he felt strongly that as Snelling Avenue served as a gateway to <br />102 Roseville, especially near the Har Mar Mall area, it was important, along with <br />103 maintenance and upkeep of the facilities. Member Gjerdingen also opined that <br />104 the station could facilitate pedestrian and bicycle traffic crossing Highway 36, <br />105 since a bus was safest way to get across, and suggested pursuing a "fare free <br />106 zone" between knelling Avenue and the B Station, even though Metro Transit had <br />107 previously stated that the only place such a zone existed today was in the <br />108 downtown area. Member Gjerdingen strongly urged the PWETC and staff to <br />109 push harder to get the City of Roseville more involved in this project to address <br />110 important issues r the community. <br />111 <br />112 At the request of Mr. Schwarlto4r. Culver confirmed that Metro Transit intended <br />113 building the first prototype BRT station in Minneapolis this fall; and Mr. <br />114 Schwartz suggested a tour of that facility once constructed would be prudent for <br />115 the PWETC to include in their annual field trip itinerary, providing an idea of <br />116 how they would look. <br />117 <br />118 Mr. Culver noted that the Metro Transit representative, when speaking to the <br />119 PWETC in the past, had provided some mock-ups of station design, and short of <br />120 aesthetics, they intended them to be pretty consistent across the board, with <br />121 modular shelters, technology pylons and ticket machines built into the pylons, <br />122 bike racks and benches, and a few other amenities. Mr. Culver advised that he <br />123 would check with Metro Transit design staff to clarify trash and recycling <br />124 receptacles, as well as who would be responsible for their maintenance, and who <br />Page 3 of 18 <br />
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