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<br />204.501 Unless otherwise provided, the CONTRACTOR shall purchase and <br />maintain property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to <br />the full insurable value thereat. This shall include <br />the interests of the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR, and the Subcontrac- <br />tors,' and shalt insure against the perils of 'Fire, Extended <br />Coveraqe, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief. Any loss is to be <br />adjusted with.the,CONTRACTOR and payable to the CONTRACTOR as <br />trustee for the insureds as their interest may appear. subject <br />to requirements of any mortgagee clause. <br /> <br />204.502 A copy of the Policy sball be filed with the OWNER. <br /> <br />204.503 The OWNER, CONTRACTOR and all subcontractors waive all rights, <br />each,against-the.others, tor damages (incluqing loss of use) <br /> <br />II <br />{I <br />it <br />I' <br />(I <br />fl <br />f, <br />fa <br />l' <br />el <br /> <br />~i", <br />,1~):1, <br />J' <br />T' <br />~,.I. <br />.\, <br /> <br />204.3 <br /> <br />204.4 <br /> <br />204.5 <br /> <br />r. <br /> <br />r, <br />rt <br />ili <br />(II' <br />;1 <br />I <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />200-5 <br /> <br />such sureties as be may, require. If such Bonds are required by <br />written instructions given prior to opening of bids, the <br />premiums shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR: if subsequent <br />thereto, they shall be paid by the OWNER. <br /> <br />CO~TRACTO~'S Liability r~surance <br /> <br />The' CONTRACTOR shall maintain such insurance as will protect him <br />from claims under the workmen's compensation laws, disability <br />benefit laws or other employee benefit laws; from claims for <br />damaqes because of injury, sickness, disease or death,of his <br />employees; from claims because of injury, sickness, disease or <br />death of any person other than his employees; and from claims <br />for damaqe to property including loss of use thereof, any or all <br />of which may arise out of or result from the CONTRACTOR'S <br />operations under the Contract Documents, whether such operations <br />be by himself or by a Subcontractor or anyone directly or <br />indirectly employed by any of them, or for whose acts any of <br />them may be leqally liable. This insurance shall be written ~or <br />not less than any limits of liability specified in the Special <br />Conditions or required by law, whichever is greater, and shall <br />, include the CONTRACTOR'S obligations under section 204.505. <br />Before starting the Work certificates of such insurance, <br />acceptable to the OWNER, shall be. filled with the OWNER and <br />ENGIN~ER and shall contain a provision that the policies will <br />not be canceled or materially Changed until at least 15 days <br />prior written notice has been given to the OWNER and ENGINEER. <br />The CONTRACTOR shall not allow any Subcontractor to start Work <br />until similar insurance has'been obtained by the Subcontractor. <br /> <br />O~ER'~ Liab~lity tnsurance <br /> <br />The OWNER shall be responsible for maintaining his own liability <br />insurance and, at his option, may maintain such insurance as <br />will protect him against claims which may arise from operations <br />under the Contract Documents. <br /> <br />CONT.BACTOR'S ;rn'1Jrance T9'Cove~ Loss Or Damacre To The,.Pro;ect <br />