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<br />203.4 <br /> <br />203.5 <br /> <br />203.6 <br /> <br />204.0 <br /> <br />204.1 <br /> <br />200-4 rJ <br />L <br /> <br />Failure of the successful Bidder to execute the Contract Documents .\ <br />and deliver the required Bonds within fifteen days of the noti- (' <br />fication of the award shall be just cause for the OWNER to annul <br />the award and declare t:he Bid and any gua~antee t~,ereof fortel t.ed. " <br /> <br />:., <br />L, <br />tI <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />, <br />(. <br />(, <br />rl <br />(, <br />(Ii <br />~. <br />II <br />f. <br />l. <br />{~ <br />~ <br />,(I <br />II <br />II' <br />\ <br /> <br />The Contract Time will - commence to -'run ,on the th,i~ie,th day <br />after the Effective Date of the Agreement or ,if. 'a 'No,tiqe to <br />Proceed is given on the day indicated in ,the Notice't.o Proceed. <br />A notice to Proceed maybe qiven at anytime within:~hirty days <br />after the Effective Date of the Agreement., .'In no ~yent will the <br />Contract Time commence to run later than the seventy~fifth day <br />after the day of Bid opening or the thfrtieth day after the <br />Effective Date of the Aqreement whichever date is earlier. <br /> <br />Whenever any provision of the Contract 'Documents "requires :the ',:, <br />giving of written notice,- it shall be deemed to,h~ve been <br />validly given if delivered in person to the i~dividual or to a <br />member of the firm or to an officer of ,the corporation for whom <br />it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by reqistered or <br />certified mail, postage prepaid~ to the last business address <br />known to him who gives the notice. ' <br /> <br />INSURANCE & BONDING <br /> <br />Limits Of CONTRACTOR'S Insurance <br /> <br />The li1nits of liability of the insurance shall be as follows: <br /> <br />~ORKMEN'S COMPENSATION - statutory <br /> <br />204.2 <br /> <br />CONTRACTORS PUBLIC LIABILITY ,AND PROPERTY DAMAGE <br /> <br />Bodily Injury: <br /> <br />$600,000.00 <br />$1,000,000.00 <br />, , $250,'000.00 <br />$500,000.00 <br /> <br />property Damage: <br /> <br />Each person <br />Each accident <br />Each accident <br />Aggregate <br /> <br />AUTOMOBILE PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAG~ <br /> <br />Bodily Injury: <br /> <br />,.$250,000.00 <br />$500,000.00 <br />$100,000.00 <br /> <br />property Damage: <br /> <br />Each person <br />Each accident <br />Each accident <br /> <br />Contract Bonds <br /> <br />The CONTRACTOR will furnish performance and payment Bonds as <br />security for the ,faithful performance and payment of all his <br />obligations under the contract Documents. These Bonds shall be <br />1n amounts at least equal to, the Contract Price and'1n such form <br />and with such sureties as are acceptable to the OWNER. These <br />Bonds shall remain in effect at least until one-year after the <br />date when fina':l'payment is due, except as otherwise 'prpvid'ed by <br />law, regulation, or by the ,Contract Documents. Prior to <br />execution of the contraot Documents the OWNER may require the. <br />CONTRACTOR to furnish such other Bonds, in such form and with <br />