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<br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />'i <br />. <br />t <br />I <br />I <br />, <br />, <br />I <br />. <br />I <br />- <br /> <br />600-3 <br /> <br />EXCAVATED MATERIAL shall be piled in a manner that will not <br />endanger the work and that will avoid obstructing sidewalks, <br />driveways and drainage. Gutters shall be kept clear or other <br />satisfactory provisions made for street drainage. <br /> <br />WID'l'H OF TRENCH may vary with, and depend upon, the depth of <br />t.rench and the nature of the excavated material encountered; but <br />in any case, shall be of ample width to permit the pipe to be <br />laid and jointed properly and the backfill to be placed and <br />compacted properly. The minimum width of unsheeted trench for <br />pipe less than 10 inches shall be 18 inches and for pipe 10 <br />inches. or larger, at least two foot greater than the diameter of <br />the pipe, except by consent of the ENGINEER. The maximum clear <br />width of the trench at the top of the pipe ~hall not be more <br />than two feet greater than tbe outside diameter of .the pipe. <br /> <br />Unless otherwise specified on the plans, all pipe will be placed <br />in a flat bottom trench with tamped backfill~ The sides of the <br />trench shall slope back to provide a stable slope for the <br />partioular type of soil in the trench. <br /> <br />If the trench is excavated to a greater width than authorized, <br />the ENGINEER may direct the CONTRACTOR to provide a higher class <br />of bedding, a higher strength pipe or both, than that required <br />by the Contract, without additional compensation therefore, as <br />the ENGINEER may deem necessary to satisfy the design <br />requirements. <br /> <br />PAUDrr'GRADE of the trench below grade lines shall be corrected <br />with approved material, thoroughly compacted without additionai <br />compensation to the CONTRACTOR. . <br /> <br />SOLID ROCK EXCAVATIONS shall include such rocks as ar. not <br />decomposed, weathered or shattered and which will re~ire <br />blasting, barring, wedging or use of air tools for removal. <br />Under this classification shal~ be included the removal of any <br />concrete or masonry structure (except concrete pavement, curb <br />pavement, curb and gutter and sldewalk) that cannot be removed <br />by the standard trenching equipment. The removal of individual <br />boulders shall be defined as solid rock excavations sheer the <br />size of boulders shall be defined as solid rock excavation where <br />the size of boulders exceeds two cUbic y~rds. <br /> <br />LOOSE ROCK EXCAVATION shall include all stratified rock, sand- <br />stone, cemented gravel, shale and boulders not otherwise defined <br />as solid rock, regardless of how removed. <br /> <br />BLASTING for excavation will not proceed until the CONTRACTOR <br />has notified th$ ENGINEER 'of the necessity to do so. This' <br />notification shall 'in no matter relieve the CONTRACTOR of the <br />hazards and liability contingent on blasting operations. The <br />hours of blasting will be fixed by ,the ENGINEER. Any damage <br />caused by blasting shall be repaired by. the CONTRACTOR at his <br />,:, expense. The CQ~~CTOR's method of procedurE! relative to <br />b~astinq sha~l conform to local and state laws and municipal <br />ordinapces. <br />